Monday, August 6, 2012

Philosophy and Junk and Stuff

Pardon me while I put forth my personal musings on my Way...what with me being Taoist and all that...and if you're a little curious in either what makes this Hooligan tick now or philosophy in general, then I hope the following is something you'll gain from.

My Way (jokingly referred to as "Bong Fu") in essence, and in all things, it's duality tends to fall into three separate areas.  Those three are as follows:

This refers to one's Internal Strength.  From utilizing one's chi to using your own discipline to stay strong in the face of adversity.  This is probably the most personal of of the three Aspects and when the MS took so much from me, this was the least effected.  It was also the source of where I resolved to not allow myself to be defeated by this affliction.  This and SHIMMER (^_^)

Practical Tools
This includes everything from when you interact with the people in your daily life (i.e. customers) to gouging out some drunk's eye in a bar brawl.  These are the most simple, yet at the same time, most difficult to fully understand.  There is a difference between knowing and understanding and it is here where that becomes most apparent.

Fancy Mess
This is the stuff that isn't really Practical, but you engage in it for the sheer joy in it.  I enjoy being eloquent and I enjoy putting my own twists on the forms which deaden the aliveness of what Is.  Within all the things in Fancy Mess there lies the source of what is Practical and should not be completely disgarded.  Being well spoken can get one over in a tense situation, or make encounters with the public a *gasp* pleasant thing, just like the movements in the forms can easily apply when putting down a drunk who's trying to impress some full-on tramp who's just hoping to hook this fuckstain enough so she can spend his rigshit money long enough until the sex gets all lame.

See how Fancy I just got?

Back on point, finding the unity in this duality is when one finds the Way in none of it's truth and all of it's falsehood.  Residing in the place where Yin and Yang meet, where it is neither, yet it is both....that is the place where one's mind and spirit should reside.  When one can manage to reside in that place in a consistent manner, all things become simple.  It's in the simplicity where lies the difficulty, because the mind is a complex thing.  It wants to impose deadening pattern on all things.  It's a need.  The Way lies in discarding that need and transcending those desires.  Yet, the desire to be free from desire, is in itself a desire.  Therein lies the rub. 

I'm sharing this on Facebook, let's discuss there or in the comments below.  One can be helped to learn, but cannot be taught.

And here's a picture, just because:

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