Thursday, November 8, 2012

...from left field,

I will totally blame the medication for this, but here it is, and it wasn't something I thought I could properly convey in a Tweet or a Facebook status, so here it goes.

Rachel Maddow is the anti-Stephen A. Smith.

Rachel Maddow:
Says things I disagree with on a regular basis on a national platform.
Can't help but dig this chick all kinds.

Stephen A. Smith
Says things I agree with on a regular basis
Can't help but to find him completely unlikeable.

Seriously, while I may disagree with Rachel far more often than not, I really like her.  She's a cool bird.  An actual functioning human being on television.  Sure, she says things that I disagree with to the very fiber of my being (from my political Libertarian viewpoint) but that fact has no bearing on how much I like her as a human being.  Human beings are cool, unlike people.  People suck.

Speaking of people, Stephen A. Smith is one of those that are a "people"  He's on ESPN, and much of what he says, I agree with...or at least the base principle behind what he is saying.  However, I find it maddening that I'm agreeing with this jackoff.  His diction, even the pace at which he speaks grates upon my nerves in a manner akin to nails across a chalkboard.  Not his tonal quality (one of the things I do not dislike is the key at which he speaks) but more the attitude and over-inflated sense of worth and importance and the (feebly) subtle name-dropping coattailling on the athletes he oozes as he pontificates upon sports topics.

Ergo, I submit that Rachel Maddow is the anti-Stephen A Smith.

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