Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yet another Sakebito Drinking Game!

This game is all about the amount of gulps it takes to knock back a Boilermaker.  For those unaware of what a Boilermaker is, it's when you drop a shot of liquor into about half a beer poured into a glass, and then you pound it down.  I have been enlightened to this thing called a Geordie Bomb. Which is a Boilermaker with Newcastle as the beer and Jagermeister and the liquor.

Anyone who knows anything at all about me, knows the love I have for Jagermeister.

Anyways, the game goes like this...


Lowest score at the end of the evening wins.
Chug your Boilermaker and count the amount of gulps it takes. Then tally your score using these rules:

1 = A Winner is you!
2 = -1 points
3 = PUROFEKKUTO! 0 points
4 = Botch. Game over. A Loser is you!
5 is a point, 6 is two points, so far and so forth.

and after 2 rounds this evening, my score is 1.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Me and Deliquents

So, I was exposing Matto-Kun to the greatness of Kishidan and it made me think of my days as a Guru to the up and coming delinquents in the south side of Salinas..

Admit it, that is some proper delinquency.

Ya know, there was a time in my life where I saw a group of kids from Salinas High that were dead set on becoming juvenile delinquents, so I felt an odd sense of duty to make sure that they were proper in their delinquency.  In hindsight, that is probably why I loved all 3 seasons of Gokusen.  Yankumi taught those Yankii kids how to be proper delinquents, but I digress.

Sure, Mike Bakeman (may he Rest In Peace) referred to them as my "Fan Club" but that's only because he couldn't see past the ego flex I got from these kids looking up to me and shit, but it was far more than that to me. I was invested in these kids' progress.  Even when they got pinched and did some they took it mattered to me.  When one took it like a champ, I felt pride.  When one rolled like a bitch, or got caught up in the trappings of being inside, I felt a serious sense of disappoint.

Fucking shit, Lil One is probably my best success story out of everyone back then.  She's got a man who everyone says is worthy (even Morganthaler approves, that's saying something) a career slinging ink like a boss, and her shit is fully together.  I think I can claim a bit for credit for how others turned out, but she's the stand out, fer realsies.

There's a bit of regrets with that one, but we'll just let that go.  Past is past.

Anyways, I do attempt a bit when I encounter that brand of kid at work, to help 'em out and try to pass on some wisdom in their general direction, but I highly doubt I'll ever find myself in that situation again.  Closest thing to it is how I am with Matto-Kun.  Then again, last time I was back 'home' more than once I heard the phrase, "He's like a younger you, ain't he?"

And based on what I've heard some out of his mouth, originally sourced and shit, I don't think I can argue it much.

Hopefully, he carries the torch that I once so proudly carried.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bill versus Billy

Had a customer today who did the whole, "scan the name tag, then look you in the face" thing and then called me "Bill" even though the name tag says "Billy".  Which kind of made me do a take, because here in North Dakota, I'm Billy, back in California, I'm Bill and it got me to thinking about the differences between Bill and Billy.  And those differences do exist.

Bill is/was the subject of myth and legend.  Seriously.  A comment in passing at The Pit sent an entire crew of Bulletheads into high alert.  Bill didn't need to lock the door to the apartment in the fucking barrio, even though they were the token honky in the LITERAL projects.  As recently as a year (or so) ago, at a party, I met a new person and he was all, "I know who you are, man.  You're kinda legendary."  There is a lot to live up to as Bill.  Honestly, sometimes being Bill was/is kind of a chore.

Billy was who I was all through school.  Billy only recently resurfaced as I moved to North Dakota.  Billy is a "worker bee"  Billy is happy just being an awesome cog in the machine.  Billy is the one with MS. Billy is still an awesome human being, without a doubt, but Billy doesn't have the expectations/baggage that Bill does.  Not by a long shot.  Billy is also a lot less stressed out about things than Bill was.  That's for sure.  Billy is also a responsible fucker.  Billy pays his bills, shows up early for work, saves his cash.  Bill did NONE of those things.

So yeah, that about covers the differences between who Bill is and who Billy is, even though, I'm just one dude....

Friday, February 1, 2013

One and Seven

So, I stepped outside myself and examined the ritualized behavior that I engage in on a daily basis and have determined the following:

On an average day, I drink one beer and seven shots of Jagermeister.  Hence this blog post's title of One and Seven.

Not to mention the copious amounts of cannabis I imbibe.  Before work, it's only a couple tokes, to know the pain down; after work, I go for "blindfold me with dental floss" baked!

But to get back to the ritualized behavior, I find myself married to the "shot-smoke-shot" spot.  I have a Geordie Bomb, then nurse the rest of the beer as I get the work off of me. Medicate, then do the first round of 3S.  Eat some food, fuck around, medicate some more, then another 3S.  Sometimes I call it a night at this point, sometimes I go for another round or two, but usually I wrap things up after the seventh.  If I don't complete the circuit, it will actually keep me up at night and shit.  Like, I won't be able to sleep until I do that last shot...or that first shot, for that matter.

I was never this level of ritualized behavior prior to the MS, I swear!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The List

As part of my following the Tao, I have discarded many desires to become more enlightened.  One of those desires that I have discarded was the carnal desire.  However, while I have discarded those desires, I do still enjoy the beauty of the female form.  In some cases, so much, I would dumpster dive for that carnal desire that I discarded.  The following is a list of those who I would fully dumpster dive for.

Yuka Hirata
....she's all that is woman!

Yeah, I have a mini-song just for this chick.  The way she played Mele in Gekiranger...with both mischief and devotion.  Mele's loyalty to Ryo...and just the fact that she did proper ACTING....holy fuck.  Yeah, it doesn't hurt that she's smoking hot, either...

Kat Dennings
I do dig squishy chicks and when that squishy chick can be so snarky and hot at the same time?

Oh yeah, I've watched utter shit just because she was in it.

Nao Nagasawa
Yes, HurricanBlue was a reason why I watched that shit of a series Hurricanger.

And I mark out whenever she guest spots on series like Kamen Rider Fourze.

Amanda Righetti

As if I needed a reason other than Simon Baker's portrayal of Patrick Layne to watch The Mentalist....

Serious, ginger hotness is hotness that is ginger... *drool*


 OK, I know that this is a male.

I also know that there is enough tequila for me to ignore that fact.  To quote the Macho Man, "It ain't gay if there's nothing in ya, dude!"

Ai Kago 

  There is a reason why this bird was the wife of Hank Hooligan.

She's a nut bar, and she smokes, and she loves to eat, and she's a nut bar.  I so much lessthanthree this bird.  Her jazz standards are top shelf.

Megan Massacre
 This level of hotness AND she can sling ink like a boss?  OK, sign me up!

I kinda wish that I could post pics of people I see in my daily life, like the Statuesque Ginger from Sport About, or the Chick That Looks Like Delores O'Riordan's Hot Little Sister, or Dark Haired Ukrainian Chick, or Lotto Jan (Yeah, I would SOOO much make her walk on her shoulder blades, just because she's awesome and could use that kind of O in her life)

But yeah, that's pretty much the List as it stands currently.  Not saying that more names won't be added later, especially if I'm on the receiving end of a mouth hug, I do have a Y chromosome, after all....