Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just an update, stuff is in the works

Pretty much the title says it all, but as much for the exercise in writing as anything else, here's the details.

I've got a few episodes capped and ready to go, but I exposed a friend of mine to the series and we watched a few episodes, but I didn't grab any screencaps from those, so I'm still debating on whether or not to go back through them just to grab caps.

Also, I've started working on a piece about just how awesome the female characters are in Ancient Chinese Series!  If events in my real life on top of working didn't occur, I would probably be done with it by now.  It is a project in the works as well as getting my blog up to date with the episodes I'm currently watching.  OK, maybe that second part is exaggerating...had myself a bit of a lack of that writing desire thing as well, but yeah...

I'm probably going to watch another episode and then go to bed, but I have started grabbing caps again and so even if I do have a break in continuity with my Punch-and-Judy act of captioning moments, it will only be a small one.  Worst case scenario is that I finish the series before catching up and I have to write a bunch of posts before going back to Treasure Venture and maybe adding Drunken Kung Fu into the second slot.

Oh, darn.

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