Saturday, July 14, 2012

Random Ramblings

Yeah, I know I've been hella lagging on finishing up Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber.  I have seen the entire run now, and have most of them screencapped (missing, I think 2 episodes) I just haven't been feeling the writing thing lately.  Part of the reason for me doing this:  to get back into the flow of writing again.

Found out that one of my regular customers also has MS.  She gets to take pills as part of some clinical trail whammy.  Her case is so good that they think she could be experiencing remylenization (I think that's how it goes) which is one of the Holy Grails of MS research.  We talked MS shop for like 10 minutes at work today, it was a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day.

Gotta love how marijuana interacts with my MS, with just the right amount of alcohol in me, my martial art feels really good.  I had a barefoot backyard Bong Fu session, which in and of itself an odd thing.  I usually do all my working out with my Way in the garage because I don't like doing my work publicly.  At times when my shit is flowing really well, I think it would be kinda cool if someone was to be watching me at the time, but I don't want just anyone to be able to see me working out.  My Way is a deeply personal thing to me and it has been key in keeping my spell free of MS for over 3 months now, so it's not something that I would want to share with just anyone.

Then I look up and realize what a run-on paragraph I just put down was.  Quit that shit, man.

Maybe after I nap, I'll either get doing the HS&DS episodes or maybe pick up the Drunken Kung Fu series again.  I think I was kinda nasty and nitpicky about Treasure Venture because I wasn't feeling really sucked into it.  I may have been overly harsh to it, so a break, I think, is in order. 

But until some sleeping happens, I think I've hit my limit...the post-workout high is fading and I'm thinking some sleep after another shot o' Mister Hunter and some sleeping is the order of the evening...'til next time, I'll leave you with some Sanniang Hotness

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