Thursday, May 31, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 23

The flashbacks to Gexiao's past continue.  Tutor is in the Imperial prison after he called out Yan Song for being corrupt and he and Gexiao figure that they'll be up to something in the night before he goes to an open court.  No shit?

Ruyi also find out a bit of news...

Of course she is, it wouldn't make it properly tragic when she dies.  Durrr...

She doesn't tell anyone about the baby, though.  She does get all rad chick about supporting Gexiao when he sets to go out and help Tutor break out of the prison.  Unbeknownst to Gexiao or anyone else when he goes out, she's got a carriage waiting for them when they get him out.  Laiying (Wuqiu) helps Gexiao out in the prison break, where Gexiao has to do some serious slaying

After this, they head for the hills, running three horses to death in their mad dash of trying to stay one step ahead of the pursuing Imperial Guard.  During the flight, Laiying acts more and more like a punkass.  Eventually, putting a rag around his face so he wouldn't be recognized and trying to ditch Gexiao and Tutor when he was charged with getting Ruyi out of the situation when attacked.  He whines about how he was the one who did everything for Ruyi but she won't have any of it....reminding him that Gexiao is her husband and that she was going to support him no matter what.

When Gexiao staggers in with Tutor on the back of a horse, she shoots Laiying a look that speaks volumes

In case you need a clue:

She ends up leaving before anyone gets up to lead the Guard away and the MEN give chase...

To be honest, I'm kinda over this flashback arc...I can't wait until these events come back to the present and we can see how this past stuff affects the present events.  The only present events that have moved forward during this episode is that Gexiao is faking his death after being stabbed by Wuqiu.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 22

This entire episode is set in the flashback of stuff that happened 5 years ago.  Wuqiu hates on Gexiao and Ruyi being all lovey dovey, Tutor is still the Commander of the Brocade Guard and junk and stuff happens!

So before the hater started in full efect, Gexiao would go to the noodle stand where Ruyi worked daily.  The portions keep getting bigger and bigger and he would leave a blossom behind for her and it was sweet.  Until one day when Wuqiu was working there and the portion got all regular sized.  It was bullshit and finally the men had it out, with Gexiao even giving Wuqiu a butcher's knife and told him to stab him.

So, he did.  Go figure.

Eventually, Gexiao and Ruyi got married and Gexiao got Wuqiu a job in the Brocade Guard.  Even way back then, Tutor knew something was up with that guy...

As time goes on, Wuqiu gets more and more brutal and Gexiao covers for him time after time.  Eventually, the time comes for Tutor to out Yan Song as a villain publicly, but that doesn't get over very well.  It was as Song was ordering Tutor's execution that Gexiao shows up and brings up the point that for Song to do this would be the same as misleading the Emperor, so he got Tutor off the hook.

Here is the face of the evil in this series

The only cute thing about Ruyi is her yaeba.  That's the Japanese term for when you've got a wonky tooth and it's cute.  Just sayin'

Chinese Paladin - Episode 31

TANG YU LIVES!!!  But more on that later...

Ah Nu and Drunken Sword Immortal reconcile with the fact that they're daughter and father.  Of course, DSI wants to celebrate by going out drinking!

Ain't noting wrong with that!

So after getting kicked out of the drinking establishment, they both pass out on the street, but Ah Nu is like a boss and wakes up before her drunk ol' man and she puts one of those red stings of fate around the both of them (middle finger, read into that if you want to) and then takes off.  She then runs into Head Priest who tells her that Tang Yu is still alive and that he wants to play a game to prove the existence of true undying love.  That seems to be a big thing with Head Priest and this couple.  Bottomless pit, buried to their necks....the guy has a thing for forcing them to prove their love in various nefarious ways.

Ah Nu is up for the challenge after seeing Tang Yu laid out and Head Priest does something to her and it seems that she's been turned evil.  Evil Ah Nu is kinda hot, I must say...

She even stabs Tang Yu with a poison dipped blade!  Well, Head Priest is all, "You're too mischievous" but I for one don't buy that.  It was totally something he did.  Now, Tang Yu has the choice to let Head Priest help him or die if he doesn't cut both arms off.  Because of how Head Priest killed Old Rock, Tang Yu would have nothing to do with it and blew his own arms off!  It was pretty punk fucking rock of him.

On his way out, Tang saw Number 7 all Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in the neck) now and that just added one more thing to the list of shit he's got to tell everybody.  Ling'er and Saintess try to heal him but can't because of something from Head Priest that's preventing it. 

Ling'er and Xiao split (well Xiao kinda forces Ling'er to leave the city with him) while Drunken Sword Immortal and Saintess go to rescue their daughter Ah Nu.  When Saintess declares that Ah Nu is indeed her daughter, the Emperor's men come to arrest her for adultery.  Meanwhile, Ling'er and Xiao talk to the monument of Qing'er and the statue learns Xiao some shit about being a descendant of Nv Wu, so they decide to head back after a visit to some rhododendrons for Grandma.  A pair of palanquins arrive to take them back to the capital out of nowhere and the episode wraps.

So, I really think that the two main themes in this series are love and faith.  The things that people will do for love and the crises surrounding having faith in Tao and how that sometimes is counter to what real life throws at you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 21

Gexiao's arc continues and I'm so glad there's a current story to go along with his past story.  Not only is the current story pretty good so far, it means we get...


Oh, how I missed that!

Anyways, we get a look into Gexiao's past with the Brocade Guard before he became the captain.  His old captain is the tutor from the school!  Crazy, huh?  But it's from him that Gexiao learns that he's got to be a better criminal than the criminals in order to ruin them completely and get justice.  Here, I'll let the old man say it himself.

Well put! 

In the current storyline, Wuqiu has kidnapped a couple of the brats from the school to get them to reveal where Gexiao and the rest of Yi Zhi Mei are.  One of the kids is taking a beating like a boss and not saying shit, but Wuqiu takes the other one and threatens to cut off his hand and feed it to the other one unless he poisons the water.  He reluctantly agrees, but when he returns to the school, they all know something is up....Gexiao Suspicious Face!

The kid comes clean about the poisoned water before they can use it and they lie in wait and ambush the Brocade Guard as they rush in to handle all the passed out people.  Gexiao just plain owns Wuqiu and negotiates him letting everyone go just to fight him.  That fight goes about how you'd think, with Wuqiu getting his ass kicked!  That was until he pulled a knife from his boot and shanked Gexiao with it. 

And then the episode ends.

Fuckers!  Now, it's going to be hours before I can get to the next episode....

Chinese Paladin - Episode 30

This episode wraps up the part of the story about Drunken Sword Immortal, Sword Saint, Qing'er and surprisingly, Ah Nu and Saintess.  However, this whole part of the series can still be summed up like so:

Indeed, what is Tao?  It's a good question, however I'm not that big a fan of it as a hub for a story.  However, when Sword Saint understands his Tao and Qing'er also accepts her fate, it was a pretty pivotal point in this part of the arc.  I also learned something about Tao from this...

....knowing Tao makes your hair prematurely white!

OK, I kid, but yeah, it was a big deal because it also saw that Qing'er returned to the Nan Zhao kingdom to take her place as Queen and that set this entire series up.  Also, with her marrying the King, the wedding gave birth to Drunken Sword Immortal!

If only my first drink turned out to be so important...

DSI, in his drunken haze, mistook Saintess for Qing'er and things got a little bit rapey, but nothing happened until later, when she went along with his delusion and they ended up doing the "sha-boingy-boingy"  When DSI came out of it ad woke up in bed with a girl that was NOT the one he thought he went to bed with, he did a typical man thing...

Could be worse man...could've been Ruyi you woke up next to!  (I know, that's mean of me)

Well now DSI has wrapped up the story and Ah Nu now knows that Saintess is her mother and Drunken Sword Immortal is her father.  Episode ends with her running off and DSI chasing after her.

With just 4 episodes left in the series, Head Priest and the Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in the neck) have yet to be dealt with, but that's sure to happen, right?


Monday, May 28, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 20

Xiaomei's arc comes to a close, with Chen Dong getting what he's got coming.  When the villagers rise up and a battle breaks out, Yi Zhi Mei show up and Hu kicks some serious ass.  While he trades blows with Dong, there's a bit of foreshadowing...

And guess what?  Dong falls on it!

Xiaomei spreads the wealth, handing out bars o gold to the village and then when asked why he would leave, Xiaomei responds with, "My home with Yi Zhi Mei is better." I don't know, for as much of a moneygrubber as he's been shown to be in the past, leaving a literal mountain full of gold behind seems like a stretch, but whatever.

Now we move on to the next arc!

But it's Gexiao's arc and it's about the past between him, Wuqiu, and Ruyi, so no Sanniang Moments Of Hotness for a little while.  This makes me sad because really, I just do not see the appeal of Ruyi, other than the fact that she's kind of a strong woman.  Still, having this instead of Sanniang kinda bums me out.

And this is her at her best IMO.

Anyways, the story is from the past and Wuqiu wasn't Wuqiu, he was a farmer guy named Bao Laiying (which literally means, "sure to get rough") and he was your typical farmer guy.  Weak and bullied and when some bandits accost them on the road, he was even willing to let the boss piss on his face to get them to let Ruyi go.

That's extra in some places....

Gexiao then shows up and saves the day and Ruyi is instantly smitten with him.  They're going to the capital to clear Ruyi's father's name but since they be broke ass poor villagers, that went over like a brick.  The Governor's Office put them in jail.  When it was reported to Gexiao, who at this point in time was the captain of the Brocade Guard, he went and had them released, tearing up the linen letter that proves that the Jing name was falsely wronged.

As Laiying (Wuqiu) and Ruyi are walking down the street, some guys dressed in black tried to stop them.  The evil Yan Song's hand at work yet again.  Gexiao again saves the day but Wuqiu (Laiying....whatever) had run off with one of those guys running after him.  He hid in a big "nightsoil" tank until the guy left and then went to find Ruyi again.  Still covered in shit.

Always knew he was a shitty dude.  Ba-dum-bum-psssshh!!

Seeing Ruyi all hugging on Gexiao made whatshisname lose it, even killing a dog for barking at him!  Then he wakes up and takes things out on his 4 wives before a member of the Guard rolls in and reports that, "the brat is tough to break" and the episode ends.  Hopefully, this means things will intercut between past and present because really...we need a Sanniang Moment Of Hotness around here.

Chinese Paladin - Episode 29

No screen caps this time.  Other than Xiao trying to change shit, then coming back to the future and saving Ling'er, and then finding out that Drunken Sword Immortal is Ah Nu's father, this episode was kind of a nothing doing.

With the series being finished in 5 episodes, I'd think that there'd be more going on.  Surely there will be.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 19

Well, it seems that Xiaomei's arc is going to get another episode (or a half, probably) because it didn't wrap up this time.

Anyways, as the investigation into what's going on continues, it becomes clear that someone is getting informed about what Yi Zhi Mei is doing. Gexiao thinks he knows (and he kinda does)

Gexiao suspicion face!  Too bad we don't get a Sanniang Moment Of Hotness in this one...

Turns out that it has to do with the surviving member of the He family from the last time one of them went nuts and killed a bunch of people.  That guy also planned to make the villagers beat Xiaomei to death, all the gold he was planning to take was just a bonus.  Also, his assumed name is Chen Dong!  The 3rd grader in me finds this funny.

He looks like a Dong!  OK, I'll make no other dong jokes.

They find out that they'd been using mercury to give the headaches and hallucinations to Xiaomei, but someone on the inside had to be working with them.  Yeah, it was the cousin, but she had a reason:  Dong had kidnapped Yung's kid and was holding it hostage until she found the place where all the gold was hidden.  Xiaomei was about to offer aid, but Dong and his cronies had attacked them.  He then used an acupuncture needle to give Xiaomei mercury and caused him to flip out.  While Hu, Gexiao, and Sanniang try to keep Xiaomei under control without hurting him, they also have to keep some rampaging villagers from killing him.  Sanniang gets the antidote into him as the episode wraps.

Chinese Paladin - Episode 28

I spent too much time dealing with manly tears in this one.  Yue Ru sacrificed herself to save Ling'er and Xiao which brings the main character death count to 2, after Tang Yu died.  Then as Xiao was grieving he did Lin Family Sword play with her ghost, which really made my cheeks wet.

And what the hell is up with everyone trying to blame themselves when bad shit happens?  The Tower was brought down by Head Priest and Ru willingly made the sacrifice, so why all the self blame?

So in order to save Ling'er from the effects of escaping the Tower, Saintess needs a horn and a spirit orbso Xiao heads off to go get them, and he gets those, but then the spirit of Ny Wu sends Xiao back in time to the day all this shit started when Head Priest of Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in the neck) made the flood that forced Ling'er's mom, Qing'er to show her descendant form.  Ya know the events from the beginning of the first episode.  Yeah, that.

Episode wraps with Head Priest starting the flood, so things are about to get hairy again!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kamen Rider Fourze - Episode 36

So, JK had left the Kamen Rider Club and Gentarou figured out that it was because of the bonds between the members of the Kamen Rider Club that he was able to transform to the Cosmic States and with him leaving, so did the ability to go into Cosmic States.  When graduates Mio and Shun find out that JK left, we get a typical Shun face.

Gene God announce they're going to be doing a live show, but Yuki, Kengo and Tomoko are all like zombies.  In fact, everyone other than Mio, Shun, Ryuji and Gentarou are affected by Capricorn's spell.  Mio and Shun because they don't listen to the show, while Ryuji and Gentarou are protected because of them being Kamen Riders.  When Gentarou disappeared during the days between the announcement and the show, Mio called him to get his as back over there because Leo Horrorscope can now use any Commander level switch (!!!) and he was needed after Leo kicked Meteor's ass, he told her not to trip, he'd be there to stop the show and hung up on her.

Yeah, that went over well...

Time for the concert and it turns out that Gentarou was off learning guitar from JK's dad! He showed up and interrupted the concert with the song and by getting JK to use his real voice to sing.  It was terrible, but it ended up breaking Capricorn's spell on everybody.  So Fourze did the henshin and they fought.  Of course, if Gentarou does the henshin, we get some Yuki scenery chewing!

Play that air guitar, girl!

Fourze in his Cosmic States, was able to handle Capricorn and Meteor, by focusing on just Leo's right leg, was able to wear him down to a point where he needed to retreat.  As Fourze was dishing out the Limit Break on Capricorn, he got ported out and now Chairman has the Capricorn switch...the guy who had it was just memory wiped and spit out instead of being banished to the Dark Nebula because his Supernova had revealed that the Core Switch wasn't destroyed and a member of the school has it!

There's like 14 more episodes of this series and plenty of crazy shit to get handled.  Should be a pretty good ride.  KITAA~~~!!!!

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 18

More of Xiaomei's story reveals that the guy from the legend 100 years ago actually was saved by one of the founders of He Village and in return he used his super kung fu to end the drought that had been affecting the village.  When his wanted poster showed up because he's a wanted criminal by the Imperial Court, they sold him out for the reward money.

And this is the source of the curse that the old man has been ranting on and on about.  The curse that has come back with the return of Yunhu (Xiaomei).  Grandfather is dead and then Xiaomei's brother, who had an illness that had the same symptoms that Xiaomei is showing, died and then when the headaches and hallucinations hit Xiaomei when he was in a secret tomb for Xiaomei's father with Great Aunt, he came to next to a dead old lady with a sword in his hand.  If not for the arrival of Yi Zhi Mei under the guise of being ghost catchers, they would've killed him.

This is a Moment Of Sanniang Hotness that has more to do with attitude that appearance.

They set up an exorcism to lure out the real culprits behind the curse and during it, Xiaomei kind of had a freak out moment and attacked Hu (playing the ghost catcher) and Sanniang (disguised as the ghost) but they put him down and then finished the ruse.

While that was happening, Gexiao was tracking the people around the making of the exorcising tea and came upon a group of dudes with their faces covered. Gexiao stared them down befor the fight and it gave us a pretty decent Gexiao's arrogance face.

With Gexiao getting the better of them in the fight, the leader dropped a smoke bomb and they got out of there, but in their haste, a note was left behind...episode ends with Gexiao opening the note, but it isn't revealed!  GAH!!!  Baka cliffhangers....

Chinese Paladin - Episode 27

With a title like Chinese Paladin, I really shouldn't be surprised that there is a lot of Taoist crises of faith in this series.  However, I still am in a way surprised by just how prevalent that theme is running in this back end of the series.  With the entire story drawing to a close, much of the impetus in the story seems centered on finding Tao.  As a Taoist myself, at first I was bothered a bit by how the writers kind of missed some of the point, but now, as these side stories resolve, I get it.

Anyways, getting off the pulpit and into the episode...let's have a cap of Ah Nu being cute, singing to Tang Yu while they ride a horse.

High praise from a girl that loves to eat like she does!

Anyways, Tang Yu and Ah Nu are riding a horse to go to Mt. Shu when Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in the neck) discovers them and Head Priest begins making with some super powers whammy.  Luckily, Drunken Sword Immortal comes along in time to get them out of there before Head Priest can get things really going, flying them out of there on his calabash, which then forces Head Priest to get the blood crows after them.  DSI and Tang Yu do their best to fight off the murder of crows and make it to Mt. Shu, but they're too far away for that to happen, so in order to get Ah Nu to Mt. Shu safely, Tang Yu fully mans up and does something to lead them away.

I do hope he makes it somehow, even if he does look like a bad teen actor from the 80's.

Back in the tower, Xiao and Ru converse a bit with the Maiden (the hot, hot, sexy and hot Maiden) after they finally were able to help Ming cross over.  She wants to thank Xiao for helping her dad free himself from the mortal world.

Xiao gets all the bitches!  Even Ah Nu is taken with him!  However, with Ru right next to him and Ling'er to save, the man has plenty of women in his life to worry about and passes on the offer.  It's RPG time as she offers up some treasures to help on his quest.  A Leading Bee, a Scouting Bee and this:


Using the Leading Bee, Xiao and Ru head for where Ling'er is held in the tower and Maiden (hot, hot, sexy, Maiden) powders out, much to my chagrin.  I really wanted her to stick around, even if it was only for eye candy.

Sword Saint, who really wants to keep Xiao and Ling'er apart, then goes to Ling'er with an offer.  He'll let her free and transport her to somewhere safe, if she just forgets about Xiao....never thinks of him again, only know maternal love as an emotion, that's it.  She agrees, but the teleport doesn't work because she can't stop thinking about him.  This makes Sword Saint a drug pusher.

Episode wraps with Ling'er taking the pill.  At the beginning of the series, Xiao was slipped the Forget Worries Pill and now Ling'er is taking the Nameless Pill.  Damn people, when are you going to get it that any pill with a capitalized name isn't going to do you any good?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 17

Well, Hu's arc draws to a close.  Gexiao, Xiaomei and Sanniang all head into the Tartars place and negotiate with Hala for Guo's release.  Finally, I get a chance to do a Gexiao arrogance face screencap!!!

Yeah, more or less.

Just as Gexiao is about to give Hala the map for Guo's relese, Hu comes barging in and ruins everything with his usual Hu-ness, so they have to fight their way out.  Hu is tasked with getting Guo out of the place and we get to have our Sanniang Moment Of Hotness!!


Anyways, everyone escapes after Gexiao leaves the map behind, but he had altered the map so they would end up attacking the wrong places and get slaughtered. 

Cut to the opening of a restaurant that Hu used most of his money on opening for Guo, Shuangshuang, and Yan to run and have a decent life.  Shuangshuang (and boy am I glad I'll never have to type that again!  I hope I didn't just jinx myself) gets Hu alone in the kitchen, so of course the other members of Yi Zhi Mei make with the eavesdropping.  She then drops a bomb on him. ARE the father!!!  But since Hu is a good guy and Guo has been her father her entire life, he doesn't want to get in the way, and that wraps this arc up...which means we get a new arc, and this one is Xiaomei's!

I don't know how it is in China, but in Japan, summertime is the time for ghosts and spooky shit.  This arc is definitely full of the spooky shit!  It all starts with a legend from 100 years ago about a guy who used some supernatural whammy to kill a dozen or so wankers and either became an evil murderous spirit, or went into the Deep Mountains and transcended to Heaven or something.  Yi Zhi Mei hear about a crew of assholes swindling people using the superstition around the legend for profit, but Xiaomei was tapped to perform an opera for the ghosts, so they split up.

While Xiaomei was performing a couple of people were standing in the rain watching him.  After the performance, the boss came back and told Xiaomei that someone had bought the opera and gave it to him.  (??)  The person who did that was...

Turns out that Xiaomei's real name is Yunhu and he's inherting a big deal in the mountains and Ying is his cousin, escorting his grandfather who's been on the hunt for him.  This of course means that grandpa is going to spit blood as he dies and Xiaomei goes to escort his body home.

And home is a CREEPY place, run by a sternfaced woman with all kinds of rules about what's allowed and what isn't.  His great-aunt is also a scary looking character.  Hell, they won't even let him send a pigeon to let Yi Zhi Mei know that he's alright.

Episode wraps with Xiaomei fainting after he's awakened by some noises to see the talismens on the wall dripping blood and feet dangling from the ceiling!

I love a good scary story and hope this doesn't turn out to be all Scooby Doo.

Chinese Paladin - Episode 26

Xiao and Ru are battling their way through the tower, only to encounter this huge ghost like thing.

They battle valiantly, but it's obvious that they're about to get PWNT, yet they get teleported away by some Maiden (who's also got hotness going on)  Come to find out that the Maiden is the daughter of Ming, who's the giant ghost and stuck in that day that he slaughtered the Mt. Shu taoists.  So, being the heroes they are, Xiao and Ru offer to help.  Then we get a lengthy recapping of all the stuff from that day they didn't show us last episode, but before that, we get Moment of Maiden Hotness

Yes, even being all sad and junk, girl still be hot!

When they get to Ming, and Ming takes a deep look into Xiao's eyes, some weird transference/possession/channeling thing happens and Xiao is suddenly Sword Saint or some shit.  This part is kinda convoluted, but it all wraps up with Ming eventually crossing over and a happy ending to this part of the story.  Now, all that's left is to get up the tower and save Ling'er?  They'll probably stretch 3 episodes of stuff into the 8 that are left, like they touched on the mark on Xiao's palm and his erased memories of Ling'er from the first couple of episodes, so there's probably 3 episodes of shit there all by itself, let alone dealing with what to do about the Maiden and any other filler type stuff they can come up with.

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 16

I really want to do a Maury Povich thing here.

Chai are NOT the father!!  *not the father dance*

But this guy is the father...

He's a waiter, and he's also the guy who came upon the maps of the troop placements so the Tartars can invade Ming, so this guy is a fucking patriot!

Plenty of Hu asskickery in this one too, he even got himself wounded fighting off the Tartars.  He had to find out from their general that there was another man in Shuangshuang's life.  Hu was not very happy about this, and got himself trapped, but then used that rage to get away.  However, he got followed and then the entire team had to fight, which gives up a Sanniang Moment of Hotness:

Lots of people being all irrational and way too willing to go running off to sacrifice themselves for one reason or another in this one.  Shit, when Guo ran off and Shuangshuang got all hysterical about it and tried to run off, Sanniang gave her a taste of the pimping hand!

Gexiao has the maps and Hu is guarding Yan and Shuangshuang, while Guo has been recaptured by the Tartars, but isn't giving up shit.  Xiaomei did his disguise thing and found out that he hadn't squealed, but Gexiao figures it best to go in and get him right away.

Then the episode ends, and I'm all ticked off about being left in such a cliffhanger lurch like this.  DAMN YOU WRITERS!!!!

Kamen Rider Fourze - Episode 35

So, it seems that there's a new internet DJ named Gene that all the kids are listening to, even taking his advice to throw water in the face of an arrogant club sempai.  Turns out that the DJ is JK!

Also turns out that one of his childhood buds just so happens to be the Capricorn Horrorscope.  Sucks to be him, right?  Wrong...JK can't sing very well, but when he sings with Capricorn and his guitar playing, he actually sounds good. (On this, suspend your disbelief a bit, OK?)

This all leads to the eventual battle between Fourze and Meteor versus Capricorn, and we get Yuki's Epic Scenery Chewing Moment during the henshin.

Is it wrong that I look so forward to her scenery chewing?  No, not really.

Well, there also happens to be a knock on effect after JK and Capricorn play on the air and the kids listen to makes them all excitable, to the point where some kids hurt themselves and members of the Kamen Rider Club start a band of their own!

Keep telling yourselves that.  Although I will admit that rocker Tomoko is kinda giggity.

Another knock on effect of Capricorn's latent ability is that his music makes the Zodiarts switches resonate, which for some reason is also causing problems with Fourze's Cosmic States Switch.  It'll be interesting to find out how they sort that out.  Also, with only 5 Horrorscopes left to be discovered (4 if you count the fact that we just recently found out that the school's chairman is Sagittarius) and maybe 15 more episodes left, will Capricorn just an a one arc wonder, or will he play a larger role?

Chinese Paladin - Episode 25

More of the history behind Drunken Sword Immortal and Sword Saint.  What was interesting last episode is becoming kind of tedious now.  At least we get to see the object of their beef.

I get it.

Finally things get back to Xiao, Ru, Tang Yu and Ah Nu.  Oh and because  of Lunar Sect (who needs to be fucked in the neck) and the Head Priest Number 7's parent killed themselves.

OK, let's move past that bit of unpleasentness and have ourselves a moment of Ah Nu being far too adorable for words.

Seriously, how adorable is that?

Xiao and Ru drink some of that wine, but don't do the move, so I guess it's alright.  What good is a super duper wine technique if you can't just drink the wine and chill?  Eventually they finally arrive at Mt. Shu and the Demon Sealing Tower

And now they fight their way through it!  Those generic green mosters, an odd puppy that changes into a crazy dog demon and a pair of hopping guys, one in black, the other in white.  Defeating all of them, the episode ends with Xiao and Ru in a chamber full of swords and a tablet that says those that cross the line die.

Half this episode practically bored me to tears, but now that it seems things have gotten back to the story, it's back to being pretty cool.