Monday, May 21, 2012

Chinese Paladin 1 -Episode 21

 Yeah, like "I'm gay."

Sorry couldn't resist.

Well, stuff is happening for everyone other than Ah Nu and Tang Yu, who're still buried up to their necks in the ground.

Old man Lin showed up to bring Ru home, but Evil Woman being who she is, wasn't having any of it.  So Xiao and Lin go outside to "talk"  We all know that means a fight!

I couldn't help but think in RPG terms for this, it just screamed "mini-boss fight"  The fight itself was pretty good, but Old Man Lin got the better of Xiao.  However, because he was still willing to get back up and fight (as well as a heartfelt speech from Ru invoking the dead mother and all that good stuff) Lin did some qi shit and we got a level up!

Old Man Lin then powders out and things go back to Number 7's problems.  Turns out his illness is because he saved a butterfly from a spider web and was bitten.  Oh, and his new wife is a Butterfly Demon...and the spider that bit him was a Spider Demon known as Lady Poisoner!

Then call me "Scaroused"!  (That feeling of being scared and aroused at the same time seems to be happening more and more lately)

Drunken Sword makes an appearance, and it's always good times with that guy around!  While Ah Nu and Tang Yu were kicking it all weak and buried and junk, Yu had super stretched his neck (or something) and pulled a token off of Ah Nu with his mouth and spit it as far as he could in hopes that someone would see them.  Drunken Sword sees the token and trips out a bit, but because Drunken Sword is drunk, he totally didn't see them mere yards away.

We wrap with Butterfly Demon Wife facing a difficult choice.  Let Lady Poisoner eat her so she'll cure Number 7's illness or watch him die.  Tough call, but they left it at a cliffhanger, so I'm hoping for some kind of intervention.

Oh and Ling'er is still in the Demon Sealing Tower, but she's still dreaming of Xiao and views those dreams as some kind of test.

One last thing:  Fuck Lunar Sect in the neck!

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