Sunday, May 20, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 11

This episode brings the "Flying General" arc to a close and then begins the new arc, "Battle at Mt Emei"

Let me just say that the actor playing Li Gexiao does some of the best arrogant looks!  Seriously, I wish I had screen capped one, just one, but I couldn't catch it at the right frame to properly do his awesomeness justice, so we'll just move on.

So, Gexiao properly gets over on Wuqiu with the cricket fight.  Then Wuqiu fully does the dick move and brings the Brocade Guard in to arrest Gexiao and take Xiao Ben into custody as well.  But Gexiao, as always, is one step ahead of his arch nemesis, having guys from the school and the other members of Yi Zhi Mei disguised as the guards that take the carts holding all the gold and Gexiao and Ben.  So, they get over on Wuqiu and also get to teach Ben a lesson with Ri and Bingbing doing their musical charming of insects to do some damage to the jerkoff.

And with that, this arc is completed.  It encompassed a bunch of stuff, I rather liked it, even when it seemed at times to be flashback heavy.

Now, onto "Battle of Mt Emei"

This one is starting off with beggars being poisoned by a really reputable apothecary.  Seems they were distributing a strengthening pill for free, yet the pill made everyone sick with an odd illness.  Blindness, pain, a bunch of good stuff like that. So, the team being the great people they are, go to aid the eldest of the Bao's who's running from the Brocade Guards (those guys again!)

Ever doubt Hu's badassery?  Does breaking a sword count as badassery?

I think it does!

Anyways, the eldest Bao manages to get away long enough to stash this contract implicating those within the Imperial Court who had the Bao Apothecary make those pills.  As he was trying to get out, the guards caught up to him, but Sanniang to the rescue!!!

Yeah, that look on her face makes me scaroused!

So guess who's behind all of this fuckery?  No, go on...guess.

Yup, Wuqiu!

When it comes to his attention that the eldest Bao got away because of the interference from Yi Zhi Mei, Wuqiu is none too happy.

Yeah, that worked out SOOOO well for you last time!

Anyways, the stuff where the eldest Bao stashed that contract was sold to some artisans that then shipped it upriver to Sanniang's old stomping grounds.  From context clues gleaned during Sanniang's and Gexiao's conversation, it seems that Sanniang has some history with the Taoist order of Emei.

Hey, guess where that stuff that got shipped?

Seems that we're going to be getting quite a bit of Sanniang's backstory during this arc, which might be a pretty cool thing.  I wonder how Gexiao taking that poison pill to help Xiaomei diagnose what needs to be done to help make an antidote is going to work out?  Did I fail to mention that?  Yeah, that happened...and so did other stuff that I didn't mention.  If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about already...if you haven't, then watch, dammit and you'll be in the know!

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