Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 14

Black Demon makes an appearance at the Temple and promptly kills Gexiao's pal who's running the joint.  Man, that guy is a jerk.  A fight breaks out between him and Sanniang, Hu, and Xiaomei.  During the fight, we get a Sanniang Moment of Hotness

We also get one of those cool comic panels in mid fight when Black Demon has the three in a sort of a stalemate moment.

I really dig that in this series...

Quick wrap up here, Gexiao manipulates the situation so that Wuqiu kills Black Demon for the contract because it wouldn't be the right time to bring that out or else the Imperial Court might end up just killing the Bao family. 

And onto the next story arc!!!  (That arc was short, mainly just so we get Sanniang's backstory)

Seems that Hu is a stinky fucker.

So we get a double dose of Sanniang hotness...sue me.  She looks really good in blue, though.

Now we get to the part where it becomes apparent that this is going to be a Hu arc...seems that some girl showed up at the school with some earrings that he gave some woman years ago claiming to be Hu's daughter!

Well, she definitely has his temperment.  Rude, brash, and up to something.  Xiaomei and Sanniang don't seem convinced and since Gexiao is out get wine and food and wine and stuff they're the ones warning Hu about her, but he won't listen.  Shit, he even took a bath because she said he stunk, so I guess she's not all bad....

Except for the fact that she's got a posse.

And, no surprise, she's obviously the boss!  She's also got a plan up her sleeve for something hinky, which I'm certain will come to light as this arc moves along.

While Yan and her posse are chillin' Gexiao comes by on a cart hat's got wine and food and wine and stuff on it.  Being the cheeky chick that she is, she had earlier lifted Xiaomei's coin purse and was showing it off when he rolled by.  He inquired about it and she spouted off at him and he even noted that she sounded like a friend of his...while she pinched a few pears from him.  When he gets back to the school and she's there, Gexiao gets a really classic look on his face.

This episode cuts off really abruptly with Gexiao asking what was going on after Hu and Yan left them.  I'm really curious about what kind of plan Yan has up her sleeve and to learn more about Hu's past.  For as great as Legend of Condor Heroes 2008 is, I think I am enjoying this a bit more, only because of it's pacing and the fact that it's like a constant barrage of shifting capers and I've always been a sucker for caper flicks!

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