Monday, May 14, 2012

Chinese Paladin 1 ep 18

This episode was definitely a filler episode.  Very little action or plot development, but plenty of lolz as the entire cast spent time in the city goofing around.  Ah Nu, as always, brought a bunch of funny moments, like when she decided to torment Yue Ru when they were chilling out on a grassy area...

...and when her and Yue Ru had some kind of telepathic argument.  Must be some kind of trope were they can have detailed conversations with just facial expressions.

The guys did a lot of "drinking flower wine" which is an idiom for visiting a brothel.  They even ran into Exam Laureate Liu, or Number 7 as Xiao calls him, for the OCD he displayed when they first met about doing things in sevens.  Xiao even got the brothel chicks to pay attention to him, but many of those "ladies" were rather unattractive, so he used his mandate to get them to run around and stop trying to get into his pants.  I think the look on his face says volumes about how those whores looked

Xiao totally got Tang Yu completely tanked!  Poor guy, being so controlled by his overbearing godfather...who Ah Nu calls "Big Rock" controlled and not allowed to have any fun, his tolerance to booze is minimal at best.

Overall, this was a fun episode, but nothing really got accomplished.  Plenty of interpersonal relationship antics and the return of Liu, but nothing else really.  Totally a filler episode...a fun filler episode, but just a filler nonetheless.

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