Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 9

This story arc has become long and evolving.  What originally started out just as a "get dead man's things back" arc has become a "teach this jerk a lesson"arc...and I'm talking about the dead man's son!  He continues to treat his wife like shit and then ignores the team's suggestion to let it go and goes and tries to kill Xiao Ben.  So Bingbing goes and tries to apologize to Ben and because not only is Ben a terrible person, he's also a pervy lech, he gets a handful of Bingbing butt.

Yup, hand huffing.  It's the newest dirty thing around!

So upon finding out that Bingbing went and tried to apologize and settle matters with Ben, Ri'er had a very typical prick dude reaction:

Ben then goes to the house and has his guys beat the shit out of Ri'er until Bingbing agrees to become Ben's 18th concubine!  Yeah, things have gotten really twisted up and confusing.  I think Sanniang sums this entire part of the story arc best:

So the basic jist of the plan now is to swap Bingbing for Sanniang and for Gexiao to make sure that Ben is REALLY drunk!  Gexiao, as he's carrying Sanniang to the nuptial chambers (at Ben's request because he thinks Gexiao is some fuckwad like him named Yun) he promises that Ben won't touch a hair on her head...other parts, maybe, but not a hair on her head!  lol!  So Sanniang bites him.  It did give me a chance to get a screencap of her that I thought was cute, though...

OK, so maybe cute wasn't the right word for it, but I do like the way Liu Shi Shi looks right here.

Episode comes to and end with Gexiao dicing with Ben, and the loser takes a punch.  This isn't going to end well for Ben!

Once again, this arc's overall theme seems to be that women are far better than the men give them credit for.  From Sanniang's awesomeness in general to Bingbing's willingness to make sacrifices and tolerate a bunch of shit from her man because of her inner strength and the love she has for him.  It's a good theme.  I appreciate women and how they are far better than most men in our society, even today, give them credit for.  That said I do hope that they're going to bring this case to a close soon, mainly because I'm sick of Ri'er being a fucking twat and I'm really sick of Xiao Ben's face!

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