Friday, June 1, 2012

Chinese Paladin - Episode 32

This series is coming into the closing stretch and things are definitely picking up!  Ling'er and Xiao have returned to the court where Ling'er is the daughter of the King and gets decked out accordingly.

Her being a descendant of Nv Wa is apparent with her regal bearing in this gear.

Saintess is being tried for adultery (which ruins the people's ideals in the gods.  I guess that makes sense) and Drunken Sword Immortal, Ling'er and Xiao go and break that noise up.  Xiao even turned the tables with his words and got the King to pardon everyone, including Saintess after he made it so Head Priest of Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in their neck) would also have to be executed.  His bainwashed followers said they'd die with him, so the King, in order to prevent his country's populace from committing mass suicide, pardoned everybody.

As DSI, Saintess, Ling'er and Xiao leave the scene, Ling'er has contractions and their baby is born!

She gets named Yi Ru in memory of Yue Ru...pretty cool, if you ask me.  Girl's got some shoes to fill, that's for sure!

That night, Xiao, Saintess and DSI head out to handle Head Priest.  His shit's gone on long enough!  During this scene, I couldn't help but think of Quinten Taratino

During the battle, Ah Nu of all people kills Drunken Sword Immortal!  (O_O)  At the funeral, Saintess pours one out for her homie

Meanwile back at the Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in their neck) Number Seven is still being a part of that cult.  He has a conversation with Head Priest and that jerkoff told him that Yue Ru was dead...which totally slotted the guy up.  That fucker.

the armless Tang Yu leaves the following morning to try to save Ah Nu and is joined by Xiao, and with that the episode wraps.

As we head into the last 2 episodes of the series, I'm kinda hoping for some major battles and for heroes to die glorious deaths as they take down the villains.  I blame Roy Fokker's death in Robotech as a child for my liking it when heroes die in a series.

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