Friday, June 22, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 13

Lots of plain traveling in this one, but at least stuff is also happening.  Also, Wuji (who's been going as A-Niu since leaving that secret place) is going to have to face some shit regarding him being who he is.

Hello, hotness!

And she has a past with Wuji!

So of course her and Zhu'er have it out!  And this is a bad place for her to be...

Precision!  Zhu'er has got some skillz!

Oh, snap!

And she's going to hold him to it!

BUT IT IS YOU!!!!  GAH!  Damn this whole them not knowing yet!!!

For reals!


Damn right!

Pardon me while I show my otaku  here....

Emei Sinister Face!

Yeah, he cleaned up well...

Wuji, being a grown ass man about it.  Good on ya, kid!


Whoa!  Psycho Chick!

Damn....Zhu'er is in trouble now!

And they're traveling!  More.  Bloody.  Traveling.

And he remembers her!  Good, I get enough of the "BUT YOU KNOW EACH OTHER ALREADY!!!" from Wuji and Zhu'er's releationship.

When they meet up with a member from Wudang, Zhu'er asks about the boy she's obsessed with.  Now, Wuji has to be able to put it together...

YES!  The pieces are put together.  Now he's just to reveal that...

But he keeps quiet, everyone thinks him dead.

At least someone has put it together, he's just got to tell Zhu'er in a way that won't make her think he's full of it. So, that'll be at least 5 episodes worth of tension.  There is going to be a real dust up on the horizon between the Orthodox and Heretic Sects, so that's something to look forward to...also Wuji's legs are damn near healed, so he'll actually get to start doing things again!  That Nine Yang Manual's going to happen and people are going to flip out and other awesome shit is going to happen.  I'm pumped!

Although I do have this random urge to watch Drunken Kung Fu, so I think that might be my next one.  It'll be episode 3, and hopefully some actual drunken kung fu happens.  I may have to go back and reread my last post on it just to get myself back up to speed on it.

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