Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Treasure Venture - episode 12

So, I watched this yesterday before work, so bear with me here....if I remember correctly, this episode was mainly all Fox of Shaolin trying to kill herself and manipulate the situation to make it miserable for Jianping.  Bitches be crazy, but this is crazy over bleedin' Horseface Ruohan.  I just don't get it....

Oh yeah....he's also Nightsoil Lady's long lost son.

Fox of Shaolin being foxy....and seemingly being a bro about this thing between Jianping and Ruohan.

Is that Ruohan's "I'm scaroused" face?  He's doing it wrong.

So, I guess I was hung up on Fox of Shaolin being a fox this episode....

sad Ruohan.  I'm beinning to think he's not only a dude that is not that good looking, but he is also a dude that can't act.

and she uses the wrong name! Jailiu is the guy who is pining for you, Jianping!

She's sexy and he's like Zoolander, just one look.

I know I'm being petty and shallow with my predilection for insulting Shui Ruohan, but from the first moment I laid eyes on him, something about him activated my cyberbully superpowers.

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