Thursday, June 7, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 3

So, Jianping couldn't bullshit her way out of quizzing on things she's supposed to be studying from her dad...

and it was discovered that the zither playing was done actually by Horseface (I guess his name is actually Rouhan, but in my mind, I think he'll always be Horseface) and Jianping begged her dad to let him stay on to teach zither.  Dad agreed to it, and there's yet another moment that makes me think that Horseface should really be questioning his sexuality, or Jianping's at least, but whatever.

Rouhan takes his leave and wanders out to a field.

Shit, there's samurai!!

And a chick in a Noh mask!!!

Who's totally out of his league!!!!

Turns out that he's part of this Japanese sect and they're hunting for the key that's in the Lu household, the key to the divine book that is supposed to be the most awesomest manual and Horseface was sent to get it!  I knew that ugly fucker had to be a xia...

He was ordered to make a move and get it that night, which he did, but Wuma is a bad ass!  Rouhan got away with it but ended up getting his sword blade broken and jammed back into him.  Because he's Japanese, of course it's poisoned.  (Asian on Asian racism rears it's ugly head yet again, I've seen a bit of that in Japanese dorama and tokusatsu going the other way, so I guess fair is fair?)

Jianping tried to be all clever and set up a bunch of mousetraps, but since she doesn't have any kung fu herself, it didn't go well

Meanwhile, up at the Shaolin temple, the nightsoil chick seems to have taken a shine to the tubby monk kids.  Even some of their chores are being done in a very martial way on the sly, so we know she's gotta be a xia too.  They take off into town because if they went back to bed, their sifu would know they didn't do them.  It was while they were in town they discovered Horseface in a stable or something, hurt and poisoned.  They actually helped him out with the poison but the key slipped out from his shirt while he had his meridians blocked and couldn't talk or move.  The smaller of the tubby Shaolin Monk kids takes it and heads back up to the temple to try and get help for Rouhan, who took off once he woke up and the bigger of the tubby monk kids had fallen asleep.

In the Lu household, the Emperor had called for Jianping to attend him because of the reputation (s)he had gained for helping people.  Jianping totally pwns a Eunuch verbally

and trades words with the Emperor, making quite the much so that he wants Jianping to marry his daughter!

So much plain fun in this series...and things might be getting more serious with Horseface's Japanese ties and I hope Jianping's preference for reading her mother's book instead of Confucius will mean that she gains her mother's martial skills at some point.  Until then, this seems to be a good time anyways and I'll be seeing this series through based just on that alone.  One quibble:  sometimes it's real obvious which parts of dialogue were rerecorded in post and which parts were left as is, but really should have been redone.

I'm so picky....

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