Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 11

This seems like it could be a very pivotal episode in the series.  Plenty of stuff happened and most important...WUJI'S BALLS DROP!!!  Yup, during this episode the kid grows up and I can only assume that means his voice changes (he didn't speak after the time shift) which makes me a very happy Sakebito.  Damn, his voice as a kid irritated me to no end!

Now, after 2 job shifts and all kinds of sleeping, I'm going to take a look at the screencaps and just caption what I see.  Maybe it'll work with the episode, but no promises.  And after this, I'll also be naming the pics to trigger Google name searches and junk, as well as posting these little nuggets of wuxia fun to http://www.adventuretvanime.com/ so you can check everything out there as well...also it's got anime and more important (to me) tokusatsu!  (Well, I think I'll be doing all the toku stuff there as well, so yeah....still, go give it a look see!) 

Oh yeah...they tried to fool Wuji with a fake Xie Xun.  Kid's annoying, not stupid.

Unblocked his own acupoints (!!!) and followed that snotty chick...just to find out that they'd been tricking him into revealing Xie Xun's location.  It didn't go well...

MONKEY!!!!  After a trip off the side of a cliff and slipping through a crack in the mountain wall, Wuji finds a hidden paradise.

Did he just spank that monkey?

The monkey actually got Wuji to follow him to where this big ol' ape was posted up, not feeling very well.  Since Wuji's got all the medical knowledge he learned earlier, he treats the great white ape.

No wonder the ape had a big ol' pustule...someone put a book in him!

that's no ordinary book!!  With Legend of Condor Heroes putting so much on the Nine Yin Manual, I have to wonder if this manual is related to that one and if this is some kind of call back to the first series of the trilogy.

Oh....hello hotness!  Fingers crossed, we'll be seeing a lot more of her!

fucking Mongols....they're everywhere something shady is going on.

Beggar's Clan!!!  Hoping for a Huang Rong reference, or an appearance of the Dog Fighting Stick.  I loved the 2008 version of Legend of Condor Heroes (it was the first wuxia series I ever watched and is why I'm into these Ancient Chinese Series today) so any call backs to that series would trigger a "mark out" moment in me, for sure!

Alright, folks...Gonna do some of that eating and sleeping thing, then after work I'll be shifting this content to the http://www.adventuretvanime.com/ site as well.  Like I said, it's a place worth checking out...anywhere they post fansubber FAIL screencaps on their main page is automatically made of awesome!

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