Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 2

Because baka Rapidshare keeps botching my Yi Zhi Mei downloads, I got the second episode of Treasure Venture instead.  No big whup, really...it's a fun series so far!

Girl is a ham!  Like I love it how mischievous, yet noble at the same time she is...although, with her and horseface's growing chemistry, how can he not either know that Jianping is a girl, or start thinking he's a homosexual?

On a side note, Susanna's fansubbing is really well done.  The timing is on and you can tell that some QC was actually done on this project.  Quite unlike XY's subs of Chinese Paladin, which sometimes I thought were REALLY bad.

Here...have some caps of Jianping being wacky/awesome

Mocking her old man while he's scolding her with the same speech for the millionth time!

Seems she's also been scamming her Dad about learning marital arts.  They enlist Horseface (which is what I will continue to call him until his name sticks in my head...and even then, I might still keep calling him that) in a knife throwing bit, that kind of goes wrong...

This answer to the question of "Don't you miss home?" makes me think that he might actually be a xia

Other than it seems that Dad has one of the keys to open up a treasure and that her mother was a great martial artist (but we knew all of that from the first episode....preggers woman with that kind of lightness skill?  Yeah, she was awesome) we really don't get much in the way of plot.  It doesn't matter though because the characters are just so much fun....tubby Shoalin kid is great!!!

I may put Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber on the back burner until I get through Yi Zhi Mei, I'm enjoying this far too much!

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