Sunday, June 24, 2012

Heavenly Swrod and Dragon Saber - ep 15

Yes....back to back HS&DS!  I just felt like Wuji's situation was more what I was in the mood for today, versus what Jianping has going on.  This'll probably mean back to back Treasure Venture sometime in the near future, but whatever.

Ming Cult leadership meetings are always classy!

Fighting.  It happens.  And there's plenty of it this episode!

That is some crazy skill, right there!

This jerk comes and spoils the party with a sneak attack.  Jerk.


This dude has a serious mad on over the Ming Cult.  A serious one!

Meanwhile, outside the battle continues to rage on...

Good question.  They're all pwned by this jerk in Shaolin garb being a jerk.

Yes, yes it is.  Reverend Ping (who was the voice of reason in that leadership fight) is now appealing to Wuji's sense of chivalry.

OH!  YOU'RE THAT JERK!  And in the bag, Wuji gets HIS mad on!

So he had a thing with the wife of the former leader of Ming Cult, eh?

What he said.

Then he got so mad his internal power killed him!  Weep those tears of blood, bro.

AND that monk motherfucker was responsible for killing Xun's Wuji?  Oh, this guy has GOT to die!!!

Still wrapped up in the bag? NO problem!!!  That Nine Yang whammy proves once again to be fucking AWESOME!

Back outside, the battle contiues!  (Didn't I already tell you there was lots of fighting in this one?)

Yeah, bitch...CHILL OUT!

Another one of those things, I'm just going to get out of the way for.  Wuji had worked over that monk a bit and the chase was on...that's when this chamber was encountered and that monk used a secret passage in the bed to make his escape.  Wuji then comes upon this girl and her servant, but the girl thought the servant had done something to her, when it was the monk that had knocked her over the railing and the fuck out.  WUji, being the guy he is, steps in to save the servant's life and....


Saved her life and now has enlisted her in his aid!  Another cute girl they slapped a cheap ass appliance on her and now we're supposed to believe she's hideous.  Not buying it, this cute is all kinds of cuteness!

I think I can officially say that I'm fully sucked into what's going on with this series, and I'm kind wishing I hadn't tied up the past few hours with the download of Treasure Venture...I want to watch more of this!!

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