Saturday, June 2, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 24

FINALLY!  This arc is moving on!

Ruyi got captured and then beaten to death under the order of Yan Song.  Ruyi was fucking awesome during her torture, and now I think I get it as to why Gexiao fell in love with her.

Then Song kicked her in the gut and killed the baby.  He didn't know and got really pissed that the first person he killed with his own action (instead of orders) was an unborn baby.  So he had them beat her to death and hang her up in the square. Gexiao and Laiying get there too late to do anything about it and we get that original moment of true betrayal.

Gexiao manages to get away and then later recover Ruyi's body and take it somewhere to be properly buried.  Laiying parlays these events to a promotion to Commander of the Brocade Guards, but Yan Song doesn't think that Bao Laiying is a good name, so he gives him one.

Later, Gexiao returns to the place he buried Ruyi only to find that Wuqiu had improved her burial.  He didn't do it for Gexiao, he did it for Ruyi.  They then part ways and the story goes back to the present time.

Gexiao faked his death and Xiaomei disguised himself as Wuqiu, with Wuqiu being unconscious and disguised as Gexiao.  Hu and Sanniang were also captured and when they got to the prison, the kid from the school was there.  They broke free and Tutor with the kids took off to the Pass to escape Yan Song's bullshit.  This brings two things:  The end of the arc and a Sanniang Moment of Hotness!!!!

OK, maybe it's more a Moment of Cuteness, but that doesn't roll off the tongue as well in my opinion.

And now, we move on to the next story arc!

The Emperor has been away for the past 49 days meditating and it's now time for a Celestial celebration, complete with a crazy kid locked in a box and brought out so he can get misted and have a message revealed on his chest.  So, with Yan Song there, you know shit is going to get hinky.  One of the other lords is concerned that the country needs it's leader instead of that leader being in seclusion, but Song twists it around and maneuvers the situation to his advantage.

Later, the Emperor wants to walk and talk freely with Song away from everyone.  Yeah, that's a good idea.  He has an idea for the Emperor and the scene fades out, only to come back with Yan Song stumbling up the stairs.

If this isn't the prelude to some elaborate scheme for power by Yan Song, I'll eat my hat!  Can hardly wait to see how Yi Zhi Mei thwart these plans!

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