Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 30 (FINAL)

Oh.  My.  God!! 

Such a good series...I'm really going to miss these characters.  Gexiao with his arrogance face and being brilliant.  Sanniang Moments of Hotness.  Xiaomei with his thrown weapons and medicine awesomeness.  Hu for just being the brute force fighter that he is.  All of them now have a place in my heart and I'm hoping for a sequel that is even 2/3s as good because I would love to see them handle gangs of miscreants and ambitious, entitled lordlings!  So damn damn good!

Let's start things off with some Sanniang Moments of Hotness

Oh yeah...stuff happened!  That's right....

Wuqiu captured Lord Hai and sent Gexiao a message to meet.  Because Gexiao figured this was their final showdown, he did his best to drive Sanniang away to go succeed her mother at Mt. Emei and kinda disband Yi Zhi Mei.  She figured out what he was up to and went to go talk to Hai about it (with the rest of them not knowing he'd been taken yet) which gave Wuqiu the opportunity to get the drop on Sanniang and capture her as well.

Such an elaborate bondage rig...I mean, death trap...that he put her in.  If she moved, the place would blow up killing herself and taking Lord Hai with her.  Wuqiu had wanted to see if Gexiao would once again choose country over the woman like he did with Ruyi, so it got set up so the Tartars would get the map to the country's defenses unless he showed up in the West, while this little deathtrap was set up in the East.

Gexiao chose Sanniang!  (probably because she's far better looking than Ruyi!  It's my last ugly Ruyi joke, I had to make it)  He even dropped to his knees and begged for her life, so Wuqiu let them go.

In the West, Yan Song and Shifan were selling out to the Tartars when one of Xiaomei's spinning knives came streaking through and spiked the map as Shifan was handing it over.  Then suddenly, the Emperor with his army in tow show up and everyone gets busted.  Turns out that Wuqiu sent a message to the Emperor because he wanted to be the one who was responsible for taking down Song over the whole Ruyi thing.

Now that all the loose ends are tied up, time for the final fight between Gexiao and Wuqiu!

Wuqiu even inhaled a bunch of something to keep him fighting, knowing that he isn't Gexiao's match in martial arts.  It was a damn fine fight scene, I must say, with Gexiao winning, of course.

Fast forward to Sanniang nagging Gexiao over his drinking.  He doesn't need to drink anymore, but he still needs to drink.  Something I completely understand!  Xiaomei and Hu show up and announce that some brutal thieves have been running amok out there somewhere (I forgot where they said, but it really doesn't matter at this point) so once more, Yi Zhi Mei rides!!

I cannot stress how much I loved this series....other than it getting too flashback heavy during Gexiao's arc, not a single beat was missed.  Even the villains were complex and that's something I'm finding to be more the rule than the exception with these Ancient Chinese Series.  I usually delete a series once I finish it for the sake of drive space, or I'll burn them onto CDs, but I think I'll be keeping this one on the hard drive for a least until I can get more disks.  I can safely say that this series gets a very high recommendation from this guy.

Live Drunk, Die Dreaming!!!

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