Saturday, June 23, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 11

Stuff and junk.  Yup.  I mainly watched this just to get that episode of Drunken Kung Fu behind me, and that with Jianping's father finally rescued maybe shit was going to pick up.

I was kinda wrong.  Other than Horseface being taken for some guy that he killed on a mission for that fucking Eunuch who was pledged before birth to be married (or sworn brothers with) Jianping, so that creates all kinds of different tensions.  But other than that, this was kind of a nothing doing episode...

Jianping attempt at being girly...


The key!  Jailiu found the key that Ruohan stole while rifling through his shit

Flashback scene....Jianping playing her own mother.

She's so smitten with the though of being married to Horseface.  If she wasn't so cute about it, I would be disgusted.

Fox of Shaolin Foxy Moment.

the games girls play against each other over a man...

Dammit!  Stop draping yourself all over him, Jianping!!  HE'S. A. HORSEFACED. ASSASSIN.

Wuji is kidnapping kids now for the Eunuch because the Eunuch needs brain marrow to maintain his vitality.  So evil.  At least Wuji lets the girl go.

When in doubt....roll a hooker!  Xiaolong has played Grand Theft Auto?

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