Friday, June 15, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 10

Wuji is a kid that gets shit done!  Cure a poisoned chick, escort Buhi and reunite her with her father, prepare to die and then get taken by some rich, entitled fucks and then have their father run an elaborate scam in order to get you tell where the Dragon Saber is.  Dude's got a lot on his plate, for sure!

I really can't blame him for that.

The wife...not so happy that Wuji is an upstanding guy

Rugged guy makes the save...ruggedly

heh....he's a defiler.

and bitches love skills!

she's sad now, but I'm pretty sure she'll end up marrying Wuji

you don't get off that easy, kid!

what a fine mess you've gotten yourself into

Hellooooooo nurse!

so it's like Hotel California?

Me.  I haven't heard of the Twin Beauties of Snow Mountain.

it was at this point that I began to hate them all

But she does look good enough for me to understand this reaction from him

Sinister Face

if by "passionate" you mean, "Big ol' faker" then yeah...

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