Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 18

My being stuck on this series continues!  I find myself pondering it while at work.

That is a very good question, Wuji...

OK, so I'm not the only one thinking this.

I don't know if this picture truly captures how well he conveyed being touched and honored by the Ming Sect insisting that he lead them.  How can you NOT just love this kid???

We gotta go get that guy off that island!!

She's just so...awesome?  That's not exactly right, though.  Let me just say that I do find myself enjoying just looking at her.

Oh, that's not going to end well....

Sinister Pocahontas Mongolian chick.  She illicits a new brand of scaroused.

 Oh, she's involved with this guy?  Yup, she's a bad one....

And he's already plotting to use Wuji's Hotty Posse against the kid.  That's not in the bro-code, man.  You now fully suck shit sandwiches.

Of course.  Catty bitches are catty.

Yeah...scaroused.  But you can see the fact that she knows Cheng Kun is already plotting...and not totally to accomplishing HER goals.  Ain't gonna lie, I find myself highly attracted to this.

I can tell that things are going to slow down a bit after the insanity that was the last two episodes....the last episode in particular was just pure awesome!  I think it's a good thing...recuperate, plan.  I just hope that it isn't a long stretch....with them traveling to go reclaim Xun from Firey Ice Island, there are plenty of opportunities to have "side missions" along the way.  They almost started out with one against the Shaolin, but Wuji had a little talk with Zhao and got a grip on shit.  I mean, Wuji and Buhui are destined to be together in my opinion, but he should enact his inner Rand (A Wheel of Time reference) and end up with three wives, each one cool with it.

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