Monday, June 4, 2012

Treasure Venture & Drunken Kung Fu

Since I'm new to the world of wuxia and the other martial arts dramas, I asked the fine folks from the Ancient Chinese Series group on Facebook ( to recommend one of three series that I was interested in to watch after I finished Chinese Paladin.  Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber won, but neither Treasure Venture nor Drunken Kung Fu got any votes!  After seeing the trailers and reading the write-ups on these, I found that odd, since both seemed to be pretty cool....and as one who played with Drunken Kung Fu before I contracted Multiple Sclerosis, that one definitely had a soft spot in my heart.

Curious, I decided to go ahead and download the first episodes from each series and watch them.  I'm still scratching my head over how neither one got a single vote.

Treasure Venture was a blast!  I enjoyed it immensely, but then again, I do have a thing for girls that are bit daft...

I so knew that I liked her from the first minute or so....and the series I found interesting.  A guy does embroidery and it makes this girl disguised as a man do excellent kung fu?  There are Shaolin tubby kids running around being cool?  Farting in people's faces to win bar bets?

Really, what's NOT to like about this?  Other than the leading man looking like a horse, nothing!  Once I finish Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei, I'm probably going to be going with this one.

Drunken Kung Fu, I can kind of get them not giving it a vote.  The main character is kind of unlikeable...spoiled and thinking his dad's money can get him out of any scrape he gets into, he didn't make me want to root for him.  Undoubtedly, that is going to make his journey more fulfilling in the long term but in that first episode, it made me want to punch him in the face.  The woman he was betrothed to is pretty awesome, even if she is a shrew...

...she comes into the series with good kung fu already!  Speaking of which, I wonder how many episodes it's going to take before he starts learning Drunken Fist?  He's going to need it if this is the bad guy.

And we got to meet the future love interest.  At least I'm pretty sure she's going to be since the jerk seems dead set on just being friends with the betrothed

One thing I noticed about it (other than the lack of any Drunken Kung Fu) was that even back then, they were down for doing the antiquing thing, WAY before stupid frat boys were doing it!

Just based one first episodes, I'd have to go with the math equation Treasure Venture > Drunken Kung Fu and that kind of stings the Artist in me...I can't do it myself anymore, I should be able to have it vicariously through an Ancient Chinese Series, dammit!  Oh well, I'll just have to wait until another block in my viewing schedule (which is based entirely on how quickly I can get these shits downloaded) to watch it because I'll be busy watching Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber and Treasure Venture once I finish the last 4 episode of Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei.

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