Sunday, June 3, 2012

Strane Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 26

Gexiao has a to do list!

1) Save Sanniang from the clutches of Shifan
2) Keep the remaining three decent officials from getting eliminated
3) Take down Yan Song for once and for all

Gexiao brilliantly gets him and Sanniang out of immediate harm, but they're chased down and finally trapped by Shifan.  Gexiao tries to trade himself for Sanniang, but she just strikes him and send him out the window.  Before she did that, she told him that she now knows that he really cares for her.  However, she's now totally in his custody.

Hu and Xiaomei manage to escape from the Brocade Guard and Wuqiu, which angers Song to no end, but Shifan comes to Wuqiu's aid by saying that he told him to let them's got guts but no brain and the other has a brain but no guts, so they're of no consquence.  Wuqiu and Shifan then have a conversation and Wuqiu's nature of following whoever's got the power is brought to light.

Gexiao meets up again with Hu and Xiaomei and they figure out that Hai has a spy in his midst, so a meeting is arranged to flush him out.  During the meeting, Hai speaks #truefact

Later that night, Gexiao is talking with Hu and Xiaomei, with Xiaomei fretting about getting Sanniang out of her predicament but Gexiao says that she'll have to hold on and wait because some things are just more important right now.  She rules, so she'll get it.  I actually fist pumped for this part...

The plan is put into effect and the spy is Hai's faithful attendant.  So they lead him on a wild chase and Hai is led away...prior to that, the whole Heavenly Mother scam that was used to get rid of Song's rivals earlier was used by Yi Zhi Mei to get the other two officials to safety, and with all the key players where they need to be, the time is coming for the showdown of wits between Gexiao and Shifan, with some saving of Sanniang thrown in there for flavor.

Speaking of Sanniang, even wounded and in prison, we still get a Sanniang Moment of Hotness!

With only 4 more episodes left, this series is starting to build up to what should be an awesome climax!

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