Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kamen Rider Fourze - Episode 38

The showdown with Aquarius continues for a brief burst and then she totally used the Fair Escape rule

Next time Gentaro see her, he keeps trying to get Eline to accept Yuuki as a true rival and fight her fair.  The notion of a Horrorscopes having that sense of honor is refreshing, however it also is what spells her doom but more on that later.

Eline gets all crazy chick and then switches back to Aquarius later on and Meteor appeared...but we didn't get his proper henshin spot and I didn't get to fist pump like a guido and I feel slightly robbed.  However the rest of this episode more than makes up for it.

Jupiter Punch!  It's making a comeback!!!

Anyways, there was a cross country race between Eline and Kengo, against Yuuki and this random guy, who turns out is not so random, but more on that later.... (notice the trend yet?)

During the race, Eline uses her Aquarius whammy to make Yuuki fall down a hill and lame her up, but after Gentarou runs around and gets a bunch of information, he learned and told Eline that hiding the camera sensor was an instruction, part of the test.  That totally made Eline feel bad (!!!!) and she then used the Aquarius healing whammy on her and did the race proper!  That's a really good moment right there, gives a person hope that not all Horrorscopes are completely evil shits.

Of course they do!!

Gentarou tried to extend an olive branch to Eline, but she was having none of it

But it leads to a real honorable moment between the two, and the shit is on! "Let's do this man-to-man!!" and she took him up on it.  So punk fucking rock!

Straight up dueling it out!!!  She even waited to let Gentarou go into Cosmic States and they just did it up in one awesomely emotional fight made me feel, and the fighting itself wasn't the biggest on technique, but it had some outstanding moments

Eline was defeated and faded out.  The Chairman just let her off with a memory wipe because she did a good job.  Gentarou and Yuuki run into her later and she doesn't even remember meeting them, so they start over and we get an appropriately happy ending.  But it was because of Eline that Libra was able to discover the next Constellation!

It was the random dude from the race!  More importantly, as a Taurus, I've been waiting for Taurus since this shit started!  TAURUS IN THA HOUSE!!!!

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