Sunday, June 17, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 8

Plot is continuing to thicken as the shifty quest to get the key from the Shaolin continues and Jianping is hiding out from the Emperor.  Her dad is still in custody at East Bank, under the torturous attention of that fucking eunuch and the developing saga that is the relationship between Wuma and Nightsoil Lady reaches a new level.

Now, onto the screencaps!

See?  He's trying to make some peace between them!

Fox of Shaolin can cook?  Her already high level of hotness gets a "back in the kitchen" power up!

Wuji is such a shystie fuck. Imagine what he'd do if he found out Jianping's gender!

yeah, because you are the most unShaolin monk without being from an evil sect of it I have ever encountered.

Such an awesomely great bout of bickering between them!  I love their dynamic!!

So, Horseface just made Fox of Shaolin mad, even if she doesn't know about this yet.

So...Nightsoil Lady WAS that masked broad that saved Xiaolong & Xiaofu!  Called it!

flashback about Nightsoil Lady and some guy...he's pinning a future calamity on Dingwen.  Wonder what Jianping's ol' man did to get this, other than just being the keeper of one of the keys...

A moment of Sakebito being scaroused.

OK, I'll have to admit it:  Rouhan looks like a bad ass mother fucker right here!

Xiaolong ain't nothing to fuck with!  He will be most formidable when he becomes a grown ass man...

Jianping comes out to Fox of Shaolin as a woman.  She's being too hard on herself, though...she is most definitely female!

and now that they got the key from the Abbot after killing him (and their sensei is NO FUCKING JOKE) the plans to get the second key begin


Episode ends with Wuji compelling Wuma to torture Yinniang (We learned Nightsoil Lady's name!!) because of a coincidence that makes the monks think that Yinniang going after Jianping to kill her over that thing from the flashback was actually the aftermath of the murder of the Abbot.  With Wuji in charge of the investigation, it can only go badly...

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