Saturday, June 23, 2012

Drunken Kung Fu - episode 3

I decided to watch another episode of this series on a whim...a break from the usual rotation.  Not sure what I was thinking...dude is still a spoiled prick surround by quality people (read: hot chicks) and no actual drunken fist yet.  It is just the 3rd episode yet, so maybe...

you know your kung fu is weak when some mom kicks your ass.


Smooth, dude...real smooth.  Ass.

oh yeah...misunderstands, that's a plot device I've never seen used before /snark

Quit your bitching...she's good looking, can cook well, and her kung fu is good.  What's your problem???

So Beardy has good kung fu, eh?

FINALLY!!!  At least it was mentioned, so hopefully soon we'll get some actual Drunken Fist going on!

Some bribery to get Prick out of jail and some mentioning of the Heaven-Earth Sect and that's about be honest, I kinda checked out after the Drunken Fist mention to anything not a favorite bit of "Fancy Mess"...

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