Friday, June 1, 2012

Chinese Paladin - Episode 33

It finally starting to hit the fan now with only one episode left of the series.  It's been a serious journey, this one, and other than like 3 episodes that were obviously filler, I've enjoyed the ride.  This series has covered many themes in such a short period of time and that was one of things about it that worked for me.  I'll hold off on watching Chinese Paladin 3 because it might be a series that will be run as part of an internet show that's been batted around, run through the Google+ Hangout platform.  If anyone is actually reading this thing, I'll be sure to keep you posted about it.

Now onto the recap...

Turns out the world is round!  That's why nothing changed from when Xiao made his trip to the past, he flew around the world and put Ling'er on Divine Spirit Island anyways.  Upon Tang Yu and Xiao leaving, they ran across Number 7 being all lowly jerk for the Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in the neck) and 7 tells them that they wouldn't understand why he joined the cult, but did warn them that Ah Nu was on her way to go harm Ling'er, so they rush back just in time and Ah Nu ends up stabbing Tang Yu!

This snaps her out of the spell she was under and Head Priest bugs out because he refuses to believe that real love exists.  Deal with it, dude.

Number 7 sends a formal challenge to Xiao to know it's not going to go well...Xiao is pretty badass right?  Although, I will have to admit that Number 7 looks pretty fierce right here


Xiao pwns Seven, of course, but goes real easy on Xiao's walking away, Seven once again calls him Sifu which makes the guy turn around and get this for his troubles...

Man, you just can't trust a guy anymore....or can you?  Remember the Deathless Point?  Seven does and after he gets Head Priest to trust him with the "death" of Xiao, some kind of plan begins to take shape.  Number 7, you sly bastard!

After he recovered, Xiao said they should attack by retreating, using the news of his death as cover.  So Ling'er goes to her dad, the King and gets all Betty Badass

She also convinces the King to shut down the Lunar Sect (fuck 'em in the neck) which he does because the last 10 years of letting them have their way has just caused Nan Zhao to decay as a nation.  It also lets Number Seven rifle through Head Priest's books and if he is onto something there, then there's totally something there!

Head Priest allows himself to be incarcerated by the King, but when he looks to the sky, he sees a star that has returned when it was gone, so he magics himself out of there and oes to Xiao's grave, only to find it empty.  Later he confronts Seven about it and the Deathless Point and then Head Priest puts one through him there and then pardons him (?) and this is where the episode wraps up.

Damn, it's gotten so good and the ending is promising to be pretty epic.  Not sure how they're going to get past the fact that Head Priest is totally out of their league and that only maybe Sword Saint could put the hurt on him, but it'll be cool to find out.  One last thing:  damn you, Head Priest, for saying something really awesome and true and something I wholeheartedly agree with

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