Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 28

Shit is seriously heating up!  Gexiao and Sanniang have the Emperor still, Hai, Hu, and Xiaomei are in prison, where Wuqiu beats Hu mercilessly and then has Xiaomei heal him so he can beat him some more.  This is all while Gexiao and Sanniang take the Emperor into the world to show him what's really going on in his country.  Sanniang also gets to dish out a Gibbs Slap

Gexiao thinks that the Emperor gets it, so he calls for the authorities to escort him back to the palace.  Yeah, that didn't turn out like he hoped

At least we got a Sanniang Moment of Hotness

They get away and go back to Live Drunk Die Dreaming (Which I really want as a tattoo now) and start making plans to rescue Hai, Xiaomei and Hu...for the plan to work, Gexiao sent out a bunch of pigeons and many faces from the past story arcs make a reappearance.

Hu's daughter and Guo

Hu's former gang the Leopard Sect...or at least just their leader.

Sanniang's Mom!!!  The Emei Sect is in the house!  Well, just Mom and Sanniang's Elder Sister.  Should be enough, right?

Liang and Bingbing!!!

It was like a series reunion and Gexiao made a pretty decent speech about what they were about to do.  At the same time Wuqiu was readying the Brocade Guard for battle because Hai, Hu, and Xiaomei are set to be executed and he knew that Gexiao was going to try to save them. 

He's got no idea what's about to come raining down...

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