Saturday, June 9, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 5

The entire gang of rowdies are now at the Shaolin Temple, and it seems that Horseface and the monks are the only ones still in the dark about Jianping actually being a woman, so her and Ruohan get roomed together, much to the Second Prince's chagrin.  It does give us a spot of Jianping being all adorable

The episode really is just them hanging out at the Temple.  Jianping starts training, but that lardass Wuji is really a fucking asshat.  Wuma did some of the stuff they used to do on the streets to get over on villains to get over on Wuji, but she didn't need Wuma's help with this one.

However, the Abbot isn't a tool like Wuji

But they get let off with a warning and the Jianping has to train legit until the watch of Xiaolong (the smaller of the tubby Shaolin Monk kids) and he actually put her through the paces legit!  After that, Horseface gets talked into massaging the knots out of Jianping's legs, and Second Prince really has a tough time of letting that slide, so he offers to have a go at it to give Horseface a break.

I'm sure it is!

Back at the Lu household, the old man gets a visit from one of the Emperor's eunuchs...guess who it is?

The opium smoker!!!!  And he's got some kind of mad on towards the Lu family for some reason.  I'm sure we'll find out eventually.  He wants Noh Mask Chick Hotness to wait a bit before acting, and we get a moment of scaroused...probably because she draws that kind of reaction from me.

Part of me wants to hide, the other part of me wants to show HER thrilling!  Giggity  The Shaolin even start referring to her as the Fox of Shaolin after her recent couple of attacks.  I find that name fitting.

It was a late night shower encounter (outside the shower and it's so Jianping can keep them boobies hidden) that got Wuma to thinking....

Probably because she's jealous over Horseface, although I really have no idea why....

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