Friday, June 15, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 7

I actually watched this yesterday, but then friends came over and we got drunk.  So, here are the screencaps I took yesterday, and I'm going to try to remember things as I caption them.

Fox of Shaolin giving Horseface the business!

She mad.  She so mad!

Fox of Shaolin...saved from suicide BY the Shaolin!

that guy is such a punkass.  Xiaolong and Xiaofu aare just trying to be decent guys here...

love the look they exchange here as Wuji backpedals

I get it now...he's a musician!  Dude can be ugly and still get girls if he's a musician.  Just ask Mick Jagger!

because he's ugly, or is it that you hope he'll keep the secret?

Scheming Eunuch is scheming

the epic battle between Nightsoil Lady and Wuma.  Love their banter!

this is an elaborate way to make a guy make out with you...

...or some other chick so you can watch, you kinky trollop!

Jianping really had a long day in this episode.  Can't you tell?

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