Saturday, June 2, 2012

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei - Episode 25

Everyone is still up in arms about the Emperor being missing.  The officials are even keeping it quiet so there won't be chaos and the one lord who actually cares about the country has called in Yi Zhi Mei to help.  Speaking of Yi Zhi Mei, it seems that Sanniang has gone all housewife towards Gexiao, even steaming and filtering his wine.

As they investigate the missing Emperor, Gexiao hopes it isn't Song's son, who's a genius on Gexiao's level as far as being cunning goes, so he has Sanniang, with her superior lightfoot, go and check on him

Yeah, he's totally up to no good, you could tell that even if he wasn't Yan Song's son.  I'm thinking that he's going to be the Moriarity to Gexiao's Sherlock.

During a meeting of the officials regarding the disappearance of their Emperor, there was another Lord that was also concerned, Lord Liang.  So, Lord Hai has an ally...

OK...HAD an ally. Note how he burned up in a flame that looks an awful lot like the ghost flame that Shifan was manipulating when Sanniang was spying on him.

Afterwards, Lord Hai had Xiaomei and Gexiao come with him to examine Liang's body, disguised as personal guards.  It was during this that they found that Liang had been soaked in kerosene, probably from the freak rain that occurred moments before he got lit up.  Then Gexiao realizes what's up.

Yup, Song is consolidating his position in the court while he's got the Emperor sequestered somewhere.

Gexiao decides they should trail Shifan and figure out what's really going on and  hopefully get some evidence.  It's while they trail him from the theater, where they suspect a message has been passed between him and a co-conspirator, that we get a Sanniang Moment of Hotness!

The entire thing ended up being a trap.  Sanniang got stabbed, Hu and Xiaomei are attacked by Wuqiu and the Brocade Guard, and Shifan and Gexiao have a meeting of the minds, so to speak, and we find out that they have a history fact, Gexiao is the reason why Shifan has only one eye!

Cue the flashback....yet another flashback...shit.  The episode ends with past Shifan busting a bottle on Gexiao's head!

I was really hoping that the flashback scenes where behind us, but I guess not.  Oh well, it'll be kinda cool to have these two engage in a battle of wits!

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