Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 9

Wuji is actually a damn fine kid...if only his voice wasn't so grating!  This is an episode of death all over the place!  Master Hu, Poison Sage, Ji far the early part of this series has been about the adults dying and the kids working trough it.  Now, onto all the screencaps I took (15 of them, the most so far for a single episode) and whatever caption springs to mind for it.  I had watched most of the episode last night, but some friends came over and then I overslept this morning and had to rush to work, so it's been like 20 hours between beginning the episode and finishing it, so this should be interesting...I don't even remember what I took screencaps of!

Master Hu being all James Bond and speaking in code to Wuji.  To his credit, the kid had figured it out!

Charge through the door...thing busts through.  Not sure if this is FAIL on Wuji's part, or the doors back in those days were just feeble and weak

Poison Sage.  Once again, Sakebito is scaroused!

Golden Flower Granny...Golden Shower Tranny?

So, one of the little girls from last episode has Golder Flower Granny as a grandmother....

Abbess of Emei Sect showing up at this point in time is just gas on the fire of a volatile situation.

Learning to be an evil bitch early.  She's got an amazing *sternface*

thems fightin' words!

She's busting out the Heavenly Sword!!!  Shit's about to get really real!

you say "defile" I say "sha-boingy-boingy"

the night that Xiaofu and Yang made Bunhi.  This chick was such a tramp!

Look at how dead she is...she didn't go and kill her baby daddy, though.

Floating down the river to leave the island, this was a part of the scenery...Wuji did get Poison Sage's poison manual, though...SCORE!!! of them Wuji saved from poison...and now no good deed goes unpunished.

Speaking of good deeds...these guys show up ad save the day!

My kind of monk!!  Shit yeah!!!  They should make an appearance later in the series, because all they did was save the kids and the feed them before leaving for no real reason.

Episode closes with Wuji taking her to her father and while crossing a bridge, they hear this ruckus.  Wonder how this bit is going to progress...

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