Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 19

I can't help but make yet another connection to The Wheel of Time in this one, but more on that later.  Even though events are slowing down just a little bit, stuff is still going on....we learn more about that Pocahontas chick, who is very much sinister, but there's a kind of whimsy about it.  Not really in a typical sense of whimsy, but that's the closest thing I could come up with...

Now, onto junk and stuff about things!

Yes, because wearing men's clothes automatically makes you a man.

Totally!  Are these the people who took out Emei Sect?  Is Sanniang OK?

DEATH BY TEACUP!!!!  She totally earns cool points with this one!

YES!!!  FINALLY!!  trope busted!

Min, eh?  Your name is fucking Min??  How do I NOT make the reference to one of Rand's wives?  She even rocked the disguised as a man thing like Rand's wife!

So, while they were hanging out at Min's Manor, she had the Heavenly Sword displayed where she gathered everyone to drink and eat and junk.  Later, she excused herself to change clothes and just left the sword behind unguarded.  So of course one of the Ming Cult leaders checked it out and it smelled funny so everyone but Wuji took a whiff.  Later they turned up poisoned, so Wuji had to go back to cure his men before it hits the fan with this group of fighters...

*insert cheesy pick up line here*

Whenever these two fight, there seems to be more than a little bit of flirting going on!

Tell me she isn't flirting with him with a straight face.

Then the fight takes them to a drop pit, where she gets caught up in it with Wuji.  Whether it was by her own design or not, I think there can be some debate over that.

"Is he buying my act?" thinks Min

Then those fighters form up and begin attacking....with the leaders of Ming Cult all suffering from the effects of the fake Heavenly Sword, the men are lost and doomed to be overrun.  Until...

Zhao takes command!

Meanwhile in the pit, Min and Wuji go at it about releasing themselves from the pit.  She was even doing this, "fake unconsciousness" whammy.

In Hacky Sack, what happened here was a textbook toe stall...except with Min's head.

The knuckle into the bottom of the foot torture technique!  More flirt kids.

General Zhao is legit!!!  Who the fuck IS this girl?

Damn right you did!!!

The group then headed to a monastery, which was trashed...some scribbling on a statue implicated Ming Cult and listed Wudan and Shaolin as targets.  With Wuji's ties to Wudan, this makes it a perilous situation.


In this episode we were treated to an extremely touching scene between Buhui and Sixth Hero Yin.  Like I got chocked was such a good scene that I DIDN'T grab any screencaps!  It was too beautiful for me to want to muck it up with my dog-and-pony show.  I did have an actual emotional response from it!  Poignant and deep, it was something I think I'll remember about this series...the complexity of the relationships, even between tertiary and second tier characters.  Something Western projects, when they even attempt it, rarely manages to get it right.

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