Saturday, June 2, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - Episode 1

I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on here.  I can figure out that the Dragon Saber that Third Brother had on him is a big deal, so much so that he got poisoned and his shit got broken seriously by some villainous sect and that there's a Heavenly Sword out there to counter balance it, but other than that, I'm kinda lost.

Kung Fu sprinkler!!!

I was so glad when t turned out that the opening of this show was a flashback...I really wanted that annoying kid to die.  Die a horrible, painful death.  But it turned out that he became the master of the temple where it seems the main protagonists hail from.  Again, I really feel lost here.

Third Brother came to the rescue when those bad guys were attacking some dude for the Dragon Saber.  Kinda knew that shit was REAL when they attacked used hang gliders

Some woman with the surname of Yin (according to her story) had stepped in when those jerks were going to kill Third Brother and let him have his life.  She sent him off with the Dragon Gate Escort (insert puroresu joke here) back home to be there for the master's 90th birthday.   Third Brother is still paralyzed from the poison needles that hit him during the attack for the Dragon Saber, so he ain't saying nothing.  What I'm saying is that the woman who stepped in makes me a little bit scaroused.

There's some masked chick running around the forest that came to Third Brother's rescue against some jerks faking being Brothers from the temple, a couple of the Brothers have been sent out into the world, and Third Brother has a month before they'll know if he's going to survive.

And I still feel really clueless over here.

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