Saturday, June 9, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - ep 7

Lord, please have Wuji grow up already so I don't have to hear his annoying ass voice anymore...and if you'd take pity on this poor soul, make it quick, please?  Amen.

After Fifth Brother cut his own throat to not rat out Xun (like a boss!)  Susu tells the Shaolin Abbot that she will tell him and only him where Xun is, which she mumbled unintelligibly in his ear and then went back to Wuji and gave some great motherly advice

...and then she died...knifing herself as she spoke these #truefacts to her son.  Damn, that's gotta be a head trip for the kid.  But he's got him own worries...whoever had kidnapped him had struck him with a crazy palm technique and the situation is dire.

A MANUAL!!!!  According to some people, it's required for a series to be considered properly wuxia!  (I wonder how she'll react should she be reading this)

Sifu takes Wuji to Shaolin in hopes that between their knowledge, they can recreate the Nine Yang manual, but they get turned down because they're jerks.  OK, so it was because Sifu used to be Shaolin and left the sect and they don't want to be looked down upon by the rest of the pugilist world.  Saying that Shaolin were jerks just felt kinda know the thing you'd never think that you'd have yourself say ever.

While travelling, Sifu saved some travellers from a pack and found out that dude is from a heretic sect (the name of which escapes me and I really should've watched this while taking note) and a member of his sect is unorthodox yet brilliant but won't treat people from orthodox sects, but since Susu was a branch leader in the Heavenly Eagle Sect, Wuji is half heretic so it should be cool.

Then we get to see some Emei Nun in-fighting.  Still haven't seen a Sanniang.

Finally dude takes Wuji to the crazy old bastard who refuses to treat him.  Dude takes off and then the guy feels Wuji's pulse after kid passed out and trips out.  So this old guy is going to treat Wuji and then kill him so he can gain the knowledge from doing so and by killing Wuji, he won't be breaking his rule about treating orthodox sects.  This whole scenario is reminding me of an old Jademan Comics book, but I really don't want to dive through my box of comics to find out which one...I think it's Force of Buddah's Palm, but I'm probably wrong.

With any luck, Wuji will be knocked out until he's healed and then makes his escape, and we don't see him again until his balls have dropped.

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