Sunday, June 3, 2012

Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber - Ep 2

OK, things seem to finally be sorting itself out, but that might be because I took note while watching.  Guess the Ziwei Branch is who has the Dragon Saber now, and the masked woman from the first episode is part of them.  Also...we get to see her face as she leaves the group for some reason.

She looks kinda familiar, don't she?

She was watching as Fifth Brother Zheng handled the Dragon Gate Escort (He must have BxB Hulk booking!  Puroresu jokes, gotta love 'em) as he looked for those responsible for what happened to Third Brother.  It was kind of a nothing doing, really...until later on when he went to the Dragon Gate Escort headquarter and found everyone inside dead, and he was accused of doing it because the one survivor said he did it based on his clothes.  Zheng managed to clear his name after fighting with some Shaolin...well not really CLEARED his name, but one of the monks (with a mustache, who knew they could grow those?) ended up with a needle in his eye thrown by someone else and he got away.

Zheng heard someone playing one of those string instruments (I wish I knew the name, they sound really cool) and came up to ask him if he knew anything.  But it was a woman dressed in men's clothing and Zheng actually knew it was a woman!!!  SHOCKING!!!!!

Seriously, she makes me scaroused when she smiles like that.

She also was poisoned by Shaolin needles and might lose her arm.  Zheng, being a decent bloke, used his inner strength to purge the poison from her.  He almost got jumped for his troubles but was waved off by this woman....interesting....

The Zwei Branch is going to display the Dragon Saber on Mt Wangdan and Zheng goes with her to see if he can find out anything about Third Brother's attack.  Turns out that this woman, who paid the Dragon Gate Escort to get Third Brother back to Wudang, is also a leader of the Ziwer Branch...Yin Susu!

So while they display the Dragon Saber, this guy sows up and just punks everyone down to take it.

Zheng challenges him to a contest and displays some top shelf lightness skill and calligraphy, so this Lion King guy concedes and tells them to plug their ears or they'll die, then he yells and qi lions slaughter the entire crowd...even knocked Zheng and Susu out.  When they came to, they were on a ship, chained up, and wonder what was going on...Lion King fills them in

He doesn't trust anyone, so until he figures out the secret of the Saber, they ain't going anywhere!  Episode wraps with them trying to free themselves from the chains.  I'm guessing the next episodes are going to be them on the island....maybe some fall out from the Shaolin against the Wudang.

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