Thursday, June 21, 2012

Treasure Venture - episode 9

OK, so I'm beginning to really lag between watching and blogging.  Sorry.  Life happens and sometimes I can only squeeze in watching an episode during my day.  This job thing is really cutting into my time.  Good thing they pay me for it!

I do kinda remember what's going on...I'm just gonna post these pics on the fly as I type this.  It shoudl come back to me.

Oh yeah, Fox of Shaolin is all deep cover.  This pic is just cuz....really.  Do I need a reason?

Oh yeah, they give Xiaolong a day of being secular.  Wuma and Yinniang frollocking!

Fox of Shaolin Foxy Moment.  I think it's going to be a thing.

Wuji pisses himself he got so skurred.  I remember now, he has a seriously pivotal spot in this one.

Kana could learn a thing or two about rocking a Noh Mask. (/joshi puroresu reference)

Fox of Shaolin Foxy Moment!  Not quite Sanniang levels, but her shit is strong.

Jianping's wanted poster.  And that fucking Wuji....

So of course that fucking shitstain, Wuji goes running to that goddamn eunuch!

Jiangping having a wistful girly moment. fucking Imperial gear!!!  I hate you now more than ever, Milkman Dan....

(That's a thing from the Red Meat Comics that ran in a local free paper when I was living in Salinas, California.  That line from Karen became a running thing with a bunch of us, and even spread to other groups of kids in Monterey.  That line is a throwback thing, before memes, shit that spread by people being actually social and going to other places near their homebase.  Damn, I now feel like an old man.  Thanks, Wuji, you fucking fuck!~)

Yeah!  ^THIS!!!

Sneaking out of the area is going to be tougher than it seemed on paper.  Xiaofu and Xiaolong make oddly cute little girls, however...

OK...sorry for the fact that I do these just as fast as I type them out and the fact that I've been hella lagging on getting them out.  Crazy how shit changes when you realize that other people are reading your scratching of the itch to write....

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