Friday, June 8, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 4

Jianping has gotta wave off on marrying the Emperor's daughter, which puzzles him greatly...

She would be!

Jinaping made a drawing full of the use of cleaver homonyms to get at the fact that Jianping is indeed a woman.  Guess Mulan wasn't just a Disney flick...although now, the cat is out of the bag and the Emperor wants Jianping to marry his son, the Second Son and next Emperor.  He is also the guy from the bar when Wuma farted in that one guy's face....she just didn't know it.

Why don't we smoke some opium?

Yeah, Horseface's Adopted Father (and current main villain) likes to hit that shit!  You'd think he'd be less of a prick... although the opium is probably why he didn't punish Rouhan for losing the Key that the smaller tubby Shaolin kid currently has.

Speaking of them kids, the fat jerk monk doesn't believe them when they tell the truth and that they didn't know who cut the wood and hauled the water, and that they were helping out Horseface, so he had them least until nightsoil lady showed up and started pouring garbage water on him!  Yeah, that lady is so xia in hiding!

The Emperor issued an edict proclaiming that Jianping is going to marry his son (they should thank him for that) but Jianping really doesn't want to start dressing and acting like a lady

Wuma can tell who it was that broke in and stole the key from them by feeling his pulse because he knows the poison well.  He felt Horseface's pulse, but because of the medicine the Shaolin kids gave him that was all made of different poisons, it didn't feel right, so his secret is safe for now.

The Noh mask chick showed up at the Shoalin temple while the kids were working at their punishment and tried to take the key they have (but still don't know it's importance).  Kids got skills, but are no match for Noh Mask Hotness.  Then, a xia showed up, wearing a hat that obscured her face, and came to the rescue before leaving.  If it isn't nightsoil lady, I will slap myself in the face....HARD.

Wuma, Jianping, and Second Son all meet up...Second Son knows Jianping is a girl and is the one he's supposed to marry, but Jianping doesn't know.  He's all, "I'm getting married!" and she's all, "I'm running away from mine!"  Poor Prince dude.  I feel bad for his situation.

You'd think that with all the opium Horseface's adopted Father smokes, he'd be mellow...

Nope, he's a martial arts badass.  He sends Horseface to get the key from the monks, but be chill about it.  He was on his way there when he ran into Prince Dude, Jianping and Wuma.  The (now a) quartet all head to the Temple and that's where this episode wraps up.

If it seems this recap is a bit scatterbrained, my bad.  I watched this HOURS ago, but napped instead of immediately getting this written.  New job and everything so that being tired thing is bound to happen.  Speaking of, the job is going to slow down how much I can watch and how often I'll be updating.  This weekend will probably be my last weekend to do nothing but watch shows and write about them with anything resembling the frequency I have been doing since I started doing this little pet project.  No worries, I'll still be doing them, especially when Xuan Yuan Sword 3 comes out and gets subtitled by Jiang Hu!!!

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