Monday, June 11, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 6

I kinda liked how I did the last post for Drunken Kung Fu, so I'm going to do the same thing for this Treasure Venture.  Captioned Screencaps a Go-Go, baby! </Viewtiful Joe>

Yeah, he might get a boner.

she's totally making Horseface go to second base!

Oh, so he does know that Jianping is a woman...

Wuma vs. Nightsoil Lady.  A pretty good little fight scene between them.

Wuma SO tried to get himself a handful of boobies!

I don't know...if you can call it "beancurd" I don't think I want to eat it...

men can also mean asshole.  True in many languages!

Jianping's dad getting railroaded by that opium smoking eunuch.  I'm really beginning to despise him.

She's so expressive!  It's only when she is being expressive that her cuteness hits it's maximum level.

 Looks like a zither, sounds like a shamisen.  Fuck it, look...Fox of Shaolin!!

She's such a fox (of Shaolin)  He still looks like a derp.

BUSTED!  I still have no idea why 1) Jailiu hasn't just told Jianping he's the guy the Emperor wants her to marry and 2) why she's so sprung on Horseface, even taking his side when Jailiu makes his very true accusation.


Wuma is teaching Jainping Martial Arts on the sly and she's really got to take shit seriously for once...if she can combine Wuma's Taoist Inner Strength with the Shaolin whammy, she'll be awesome!  Seems she's already well on her way, talking about feeling like an animal was in her and so she played with it!

Pretty sure that the fucking eunuch is the one setting Jainping's father up as a traitor, putting the letter in Japanese amongst his things.  Add to that Jianping's running away from the marriage and the entire Lu family is in hot water!

It's a bit early in the series to be saying this, but...looks like business is about to pick up!

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