Sunday, June 10, 2012

Drunken Kung Fu - Episode 2

I do think I'm going to do proper recaps for this series until there's actual Drunken Kung Fu going on.  I will, however, caption screencaps with pithy commentary.

Me either!  Dude's a punkass.

And eavesdroppers get a giggle because it sounds like hibbity-dibbity

Fighting at the opera is just bad form.  The opera was looking really good, too!

Yeah, being members of Heaven-Earth Society and all, it might be a good idea.

But WHY???  Silly tropes.

Eventually, he will I hope.  Seriously, your kid is a punkass.

f33r h3r ^5
Seriously, chick can send you flying with a high five.
I think I love her.

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