Friday, June 22, 2012

Treasure Venture - Episode 10

There are some pretty cool moments in this episode and I was reminded that Horseface was beholden to that fucking Eunuch.  We get a reminder this episode!  Also more of Yinniang's backstory with why she's got a hate for the Lu family.

OK, now onto my semi-entertaining calling it in!

After the fighting at the gate resolved and he let himself get captured, when he revealed that he is the Second Prince, and grew a set!

fuck you, Eunuch.  Fuck you in the neck.


Probably because he's compensating for having no penis.  Fucking Eunuch....

And damn that Wuji, too!  

OK, I'm just going to get out of the way of this scene.  It was a really awesome moment in my opinion, I watched it twice because I got sucked into it again when backing up to grab the caps.  Third time was the charm, and I really marked out to it, so watching Jianping be awesome again was no punishment!

That was so perfect!!!

Fox of Shaolin and Horseface were eavesdropping!!!

that little tidbit of info is brought back to the fore...

Emperor's Bottom Bitch be dropping it on him!


EVERYBODY got in on Operation: Bust Dad out!  Even Xialong joined the party!

Wuma gave a fucking horse a snap mare....A FUCKING HORSE!!!

Second Prince makes an epic save when that fucking Eunuch was bout to drop down with a strike HARD on Jianping!  Totally took one for the team!

During the battle, someone came to Dad's ultimate rescue and got him out of there....

it turned into a fight because she wanted him dead, funny how that happens.

The post battle stuff got kinda confusing to me.  I think we got some kind of resolution...meh, it'll clear itself up within the first 5 minutes of the next episode.

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